1932 - Meeting the Ryans

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It had only been a few weeks since (F/n) and her family had moved from (Town), (State) to Paton, Iowa. She was the youngest of three children, her brother, (Brother's name), was 16, her sister, (Sister's name), was 14, and she was 8. (F/n)'s father, (Father's name), had heard about an opportunity to make money to have their own farm in Iowa and jumped at the opportunity. None of the siblings were happy to leave their friends and life they knew behind, but what choice did they have? 

"Why do we have to stay on this crummy farm?" (Sister's name) asked. "Because it's better for us, sweetheart." (Father's name) responded. (Sister's name) crossed her arms and pouted in response. "Well, it stinks here. Literally." She said, causing (F/n) to giggle in response, hiding behind her doll as she did so. He then looked at (F/n) "What's so funny, young lady?" (Father's name) asked with an aggressive tone. (F/n) put the doll down, smiling "Nothing, papa!" she responded cheerfully as (Father's name) turned around, walking off.

"(Sister's name), (F/n)!" (Brother's name) yelled as he walked into the living room, seeing his two sisters. "There you two are! Ma said get ready and into the car." he said, sitting next to (F/n). "Where are we going?" (F/n) asked curiously as she started playing with her long braid. "Ma said we got invited over to be welcomed to Paton." (Brother's name) said. "I'm getting in the car then" (Sister's name) said, walking out the room as (Brother's name) picked up (F/n), putting her on his back. "Let's go, squirt!" he said as he walked off.

"Mama, are we there yet?" (F/n) groaned. "(F/n), do you see a house in sight?" (Sister's name) asked, causing (F/n) to cross her arms and pout "No.." the (hair colored) girl said silently. "Sweetheart, it's been about twenty minutes. We'll be there soon" (Mother's name) responded. "Hey, I think I see something!!" (Brother's name) shouted enthusiastically. He was right, there was a two-story house surrounded by crops. As the four got closer, livestock could be seen behind the house, along with a large barn. (Mother's name) pulled into the gravel driveway, where a woman and four boys were waiting on the porch.

As (F/n) and her family got out of the car, she could see the woman smiling at them. 'She's so beautiful...' (F/n) thought, lost in a trance for a second. "Hello, you must be Mrs. (L/n)!" she said, she had short brown hair in a bob and dark blue eyes "I'm Mrs. Margaret Ryan.". Mrs. Ryan then walked up to (Mother's name) and extended her hand for her, which she took for a welcoming handshake and returning her smile. "I am, it's a pleasure to meet you.". 

(Mother's name) then looked over at the boys, smiling "Who are these fine young men?" she asked, walking forward a little, causing her children to follow. (F/n) hide shyly behind (Brother's name). Mrs. Ryan then walked over to the four boys standing in a line. "Well..." she walked behind them "This is Daniel, my oldest and is 13. Next, this is Peter, he's 12. Then is Sean, he's 10. Lastly is James, he's 8 and my youngest little solider!" Mrs. Ryan patted their heads as she said each of their names. James seemed a little embarrassed as Mrs. Ryan called him her little solider as his cheeks turned a shade of pink and he looked down.

The brothers looked very similar, yet different. Daniel, Sean, and James all had brown hair, while Peter's was more of a dirty blonde. (F/n) noticed that James was the only one of the brothers to have blue eyes, the other three had brown eyes. James's eyes were lighter and brighter than his mothers'.

"What a lovely troop you have, Margaret." (Mother's name) said. "Thank you, um.." Mrs. Ryan started "(Mother's name)" (Mother's name) interrupted, smiling. Mrs. Ryan then walked from behind James to in front of the boys. "Who do we have here?" she asked, looking at (F/n) and her siblings. "This is (Brother's name), he's 16, (Sister's name) is 14, and (F/-)" (F/n)'s mother was halfway through her name as she realized she couldn't see her. 

She looked behind (Brother's name) and saw her little girl. (Mother's name) sighed a sigh of relief. "This is (F/n), she's 8. I'm sorry, she's a little shy." (Mother's name) said, rubbing the top of (F/n)'s head. "It's okay, We're new after all. Can I interest you in some tea and cake?" Mrs. Ryan asked. "I would love some!" (Mother's name) responded. 

(Brother's name) then walked up to the boys. "So...what do you do for fun on a farm?" he asked curiously, smiling and crossing his arms. "Gotta show y'all" Daniel said, smirking at him. "Let's start at the cornfields, Danny!" Sean said enthusiastically to his brother, Peter nodded in approval. "we'll show you, where it is! Hey uh...(Sister's name), (F/n), wanna come?" Peter asked looking at them. "No thanks, I don't want to get dirty, but thank you." (Sister's name) responded. 

"Lame" (Brother's name) said in response, with a bored look on his face as he looked at her, to which she rolled her eyes. He then looked at (F/n), smiling "What about you, squirt?" he asked. "Come on, (F/n)! Please?" James asked, giving a warm smile. (Y/n) then nodded. James then ran up to (F/n), gently taking her hand, and walking her over to the rest of the boys. The six of them then started walking. "Don't go too far! I need you all to hear me when dinner is ready in a few hours!" Mrs. Ryan called out. "Yes ma'am!" Daniel yelled back.

(F/n) looked down at James hand still holding hers, she blushed slightly, but didn't know why.

(F/n) spent the rest of her time she was there that day playing in the fields and with the animals with the Ryan brothers and her own brother. 

Our History (Saving Private Ryan; James (Francis) Ryan x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora