Chapter eight

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The autobot squad was concerned about Optimus's decision, they tried to talk him out of letting the enemy in the ship. There was an argument between those who refused to accept the energon and those who wanted to betray the decepticons as soon as they turn their backs. Optimus silenced both groups by admitting not having other choice but peace. He still didn't trust the decepticons, but he could no longer see them as enemies, this land was only for survivors. The war could be over, but hell is still present. The decepticons agreed to bring all their fuel by the end of the cycle, they came in waves, bringing cisterns made with scrap filled with already distilled energon. As agreed, the decepticons were disarmed and some were incapacitated to transform. Lastly they all gathered at the outskirts of the autobot ship with an anti-gravity stretcher in which Megatron was recumbent.

They all knelled and put their hands in the back of their heads except for Megatron, when the squad rendezvous with the decepticons, they all bound them with handcuffs and escorted them to the cargo bay of the ship. Once there, Ironhide and Grimlock watched over them as the rest of the team was preparing the ship for liftoff.

-Aren't you going to help us?- Said Starscream while the rest was in silence.

-Isn't this enough help?- Answered Grimlock, sarcastically.

-Don't mock us, we have a wounded soldier.- Said Bludgeon while containing his hatred.

-The war is over pal, we aren't soldiers anymore, just survivors.- Ironhide interrupted.

-So help us survive.- Bludgeon continued.

Ironhide then streamed the conversation to Optimus, Prowl was sent to retire the stretcher from the bay to the infirmary where Ratchet was. Everyone thought it was a bad idea to try to save Megatron from his wound without knowing the basics of anatomy. Optimus then went to the med-bay himself to unbind Ratchet, he then gave the order to give him first aid, with his freedom conditioned by his behavior and a gun to his back. Prowl was there making sure no one made sudden moves, so Optimus left and continued with the liftoff.

A few moments later and the countdown started, they had enough fuel to reach the orbit and launch the overdrive. The ship shook with the instability of scrapped parts, a hatch in the rear side fell by it's own weight, nothing was lost except needless metal. A blind then sealed the gap where the hatch was supposed to be, the coordinates for reaching orbit had been input in the navigation protocol, there was a brief jump and the ship was already in it's way to pierce the weak atmosphere of the deserted planet.

A few moments of turbulence passed, then everything went quiet, the ship became an artificial satellite in space for a brief moment. A new countdown, everyone belted on to prepare for hyperdrive, after leaving the explosion radius for good they will resume stasis and hope for a better future. Thirty. The decepticons were relocated to their seats in the bridge, the autobots sat right in front of the decepticons, some still aiming pistols at them. Twenty. In the med-bay Megatron was already stabilized and Prowl bound both Megatron and Ratchet to emergency belts in their stretchers. Fifteen. Prowl requested a belt-chair to be transformed by Teletraan in the med-bay, so he can supervise both prisoners safely. Ten. Prowl sits on his chair and aims his gun to his front while asking for updates from the bridge. Nine. Static. Eight. A ciphered message appears in the request inbox. Seven. All the autobots receive the same message. Six. "Shit, it's a virus!" Says Wheeljack. Five. "Don't dare open it." Four. "Damn! Don't try to delete it either." Three. "It was Soundwave, I'll close his port" Two. "I can't stop the download!" One... All autobots were knocked out by a shock in their heads.

Cold as metal.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora