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**The next morning...**

Mikey, rubbing his eyes: "Emma, where's grandpa and Izana?" (said with a sleepy tone)

Emma: "Grandpa said he wouldn't come back without fully trained Izana."

Mikey, wide-eyed: "Huh?"

Emma: "Yep! Now brush your teeth and come to the table. I'll put your breakfast."

**At the police station...**

Random cop: "Kids are really brutal these days."

Others nod in agreement.

Another cop tries to lighten the mood: "Hey! Why so serious, Masoto? Feeling old days?"

Masoto remains silent.

**In the woods...**

Mansako sneezes.

Mansako: "Ah... Is someone talking about me?"

Mansako looks at Izana, who struggles with a one-arm handstand, covered in sweat.

Izana, with difficulty: "Grandpa, I know you want to teach me properly, but isn't this too much? I've been doing this for hours."

Mansako: "Shut up!"

**In an abandoned house...**

Tereno South punches a rag, his frustration evident.

South, irked: "What kind of crap is this, Sano? Just you wait, Takemichi, I will become the king."

**At Bhraman base...**

Benkai: "Is it true that Rokuhara gang is disbanded?"

Wakasa: "Yeah... By judging them, there's nothing big about them."

Takeomi scoffs.

Senju interrupts: "Big brother!"

Senju: "Is it true Rokuhara gang disbanded!?"

Benkai confirms it.

Senju, with a sweatdrop: "The old ones?"

Takeomi remains silent.

Takeomi: "I still can't forget the massacre of the first generation..."

**At Black Dragon        District...**

**In the Black Dragon District...**

Haakai and Yuzuha walk their usual route, encountering a man blocking their path.

Yuzuha, uneasy: "Who's that?"

Haakai squares up to face the green-haired man.

Gitaro, his tone sharp: "Allow me to introduce myself first. I'm Gitaro from Minato. And I'm here for the crown."

Haakai: "What crown?"

Gitaro's lips curl into a confident smirk, his eyes scanning the surroundings with a sense of authority.

Gitaro: "The crown of this district, the one that belongs to the strongest."

Haakai's brow furrows in confusion, determination still burning in his eyes.

Haakai: "Well, Gitaro, you've got some explaining to do if you think you're taking anything from us."

Before Haakai can react, Gitaro strikes with blinding speed, catching Haakai off guard. Haakai instinctively attempts to grapple, but Gitaro effortlessly slips away, dodging with remarkable agility.

Yuzuha gasps as she watches Haakai's wrestling prowess tested against Gitaro's unmatched speed. Haakai, frustrated but determined, adjusts his strategy, aiming to anticipate and counter the lightning-fast strikes.

Haakai, gritting his teeth: "You're quick, but speed won't save you from everything."

Gitaro's eyes gleam with amusement, his demeanor exuding an air of danger.

Gitaro: "You're about to find out."

Haakai manages to grab hold of Gitaro's arm, but before he can execute a move, Gitaro slips out of his grip, landing a swift blow to Haakai's side.

Haakai grunts in pain, feeling the impact of the blow. He wipes the blood from his lip, his determination unwavering.

Haakai, with a hint of defiance: "Not bad. But I'm not done yet."

Despite Haakai's resilience, Gitaro's speed proves too much to handle. Haakai struggles to keep up, his wrestling techniques challenged by Gitaro's elusive movements.

Yuzuha watches anxiously as Haakai tries to find an opening, her heart pounding with each intense moment of the fight. With every move, Haakai adapts, attempting to match Gitaro's speed with his own agility and cunning.

The clash intensifies as Haakai pushes himself to the limit, refusing to back down against his swift opponent.

Haakai, through gritted teeth: "You may be fast, but I've faced tougher opponents than you."

Gitaro's smirk widens, his gaze unwavering.

Gitaro: "Then this will be quite the challenge for you."

As the intensity of the fight between Haakai and Gitaro reaches its peak, Haakai, struggling to hold his ground against Gitaro's relentless assault, manages to catch a fleeting moment to glance at Yuzuha with concern etched in his eyes.

Haakai, through gritted teeth, his voice strained with effort: "Yuzuha, run! Get out of here!"

Yuzuha's eyes widen with worry as she watches the brutal exchange between her brother and Gitaro. She hesitates, torn between staying by Haakai's side and heeding his desperate plea.

Gitaro, sensing the opportunity to gain an advantage, smirks confidently as he addresses Yuzuha.

Gitaro, with a hint of amusement in his voice: "Listen to him, little girl. Run along now. This doesn't concern you."

Yuzuha's heart races with uncertainty, torn between her loyalty to her brother and the instinct to flee from the escalating danger. She knows that Haakai's words are a plea for her safety, but leaving him to face Gitaro alone weighs heavily on her conscience.

In the midst of the chaos, Yuzuha makes a difficult decision, her voice trembling with fear and determination.

Yuzuha, her voice quivering: "I... I can't leave you, Haakai."

Haakai's eyes widen with urgency, realizing the gravity of the situation. Despite his own peril, he knows that Yuzuha's safety must come first.

Haakai, his voice firm: "Yuzuha, please... go. I'll be fine. Just go!"

With a heavy heart, Yuzuha takes one last glance at her brother before turning to flee from the scene, her mind racing with worry and uncertainty. As she disappears into the distance, Haakai and Gitaro remain locked in their fierce battle, each determined to emerge victorious, no matter the cost.

As the fight reaches its climax, Haakai's determination and skill shine through, proving that even against extraordinary speed, resilience, and technique can prevail.

Gitaro - "Master... You were wrong. There's no one who can beat me in Shibuya."

End of this chapter ..

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