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Why is it so hot?
Welcome to nothing. A smooth voice says.
Yes nothing.
Why nothing?
Just nothing.
Suddenly she feels a rough palm touch her leg.
Silke. The once smooth voice started to crack and turn into static.
"Silke! Wake up time for school!" Her throat constricts, and she lets out a bloodcurdling scream. Hands clasp onto her shoulders.
"Calm down sweetie, whats wrong?"
'It was just a dream...' She thought.
"N-Nothing." Her mother then kisses her head and resumes morning cleaning.
"It's 7:30, I suggest you should start getting ready. The bus leaves in thirty minutes." She says, dusting off a green rose vase on Silke's night stand.
"Oh shoot, my alarm didn't go off!" She mutters. Usually she wakes up at seven for it takes her an hour usually to get ready for school. School. It has always been an annoying thing for her. Bullies, gossipers, athletes, all of them at her highschool were very full of themselves.
'I bet they are envious of my nerdness.' Silke thinks as she pulls on a soft, cotton, long-sleeved, black shirt with Japanese kanji on it. The kanji meant 'Kurobara' or dark rose. She then struggled to put on skinny jeans (she always had) and places her black hipster glasses on the bridge of her nose.

The exit door of her house was down the stairs and to the right, right next to a wall. The door was black, an odd color for a front door... Which made her house look 'creepy'. Creepy, but not the creepiest house on the block. The creepiest had been for sale for quite some time, but she had noticed the previous Friday that the 'for sale' sign was gone. Silke assumed that kids took it as a prank, but after she got on the bus wearing her book bag with the band skillet's logo on the front next to the zipper, she realized there was a new bus stop on the route. One that hadn't been there for a very long time. One that was right next to the 'haunted' house in the corner. The house looked like it had been built in the 1800s, and was shrouded by many trees. You can't even see it from the road, but when Silke wanted to get away from a parent quarrel once, she ventured onto the scary property to read a book. She was excited to see that the house was as beautiful and large as a castle, and she proceeded to read a book on the front steps. She wanted to go inside, but it was locked. She didn't want to vandalize the beauty, so she didn't dare break the door or any of the windows to fulfill her desire. Then, after the center-town clock rang midnight that day, she snuck home without her parents noticing.

"Who's the hottie?" A girl asked from behind the seat where Silke was. Silke looked up from her book, and took a side of her headphones off of her ear.
She was interested in boys, as was anyone at her age... But she was also interested in girls and that's why most people shunned her as well.

The words rang in Silke's ears as the boy at the new bus stop came into view. He was beautiful. Just about as beautiful as the house. She then darted her eyes back to her book as her and the boy's eyes locked, and the girls behind her started giggling.
'I guess they took that he was looking at them.. Which he was most likely doing because I don't exactly look decent enough for a boy to like.' Silke then feels the space next to her shift, and she peeks to the side.

"What are you reading?" A voice asks. His voice was as warm as chocolate on a December day.
Without speaking she responded by lifting the cover for him to see.

"Ah, the mortal instrument series... One of my favorites." He replies. Then Silke hears some angry mumbles behind her. She scoffs and puts her headphone back on her right ear. She then notices the boy look behind them out of the corner of her eye. She then read his lips, as he scolded her bullies. Warmth shrouded her as the stranger protected her, and the bus came to a stop in front of her high school. It was entitled 'Nightshade' because poisonous nightshade berry bushes surrounded it. Often, a stupid student will eat one and become gravely ill... Because they did not read the school handbook instructing them not so. One drop can make you paralyzed from the top of the head to the tip of the toes.

A chill ran up Silke's spine as an arm wraps around her shoulders, and she feels her headphones being taken off. She often doesn't talk to people at school, so when she exclaimed 'Hey!' towards the boy, her voice cracked like a boy's during puberty.

"Can you show me around? I'm not sure where I put my handbook." The boy asks her with a smile. His book bag was on his lap, all of its contents visible from where Silke was.

"S-Sure." She stutters out. Nobody usually asked her for favors. Even the teachers. The teachers relied on the students' input on everything, so when they wanted info on how to deal with a student... Well if the student they ask doesn't particularly like the one they require info about... They may lie a bit to get the teacher to shun the student as well.

"Wow, the little bitch has make a friend." A girl says, knocking the boy's open book bag onto the floor as the bus was unloading. The girl's name was Brittany Tailor, and she was one those rich, stuck-up persons that always got their way and bullied people that were different. She didn't like Silke in particular, for Silke refused to complete a project for Brittany. Silke had other things to do than do work that would help that damn rich person's stupidity.

"A bitch you say? That is very hypocritical, for she is very quiet and shy from what I've observed, but you on the other hand are not." He replies quickly.

"What are you implying?" She responds as she blocks the exit for the people that were seated in the back of the bus.

"I'm implying that you are the bitch, and not this innocent girl." Innocent. That word rang through her ears and made her head hurt. Silke was far from innocent. She had murdered her best friend, and played it off to the police that she had fallen while playing on the roof of her two story house and sliced her neck open with a rogue axe that was at the bottom.

Silke also had schizophrenia, but the only time the insanity took over was the day she killed her best friend for pleasure. Afterwards, she nearly killed herself as well... The guilt was almost unbearable.

"Silke." Something says from the back of her mind. Her pupils then dilated as a pocket knife that she usually keeps in her backpack for protection dances in between her fingertips. Then a splitting headache shrouds her mind as she starts screaming. Screaming as she realizes the same voice was in her dream. Burning hands from nothing. A burning coldness that she feared more than anything. 

The boy looked at her with a intrigued expression on his face, as the bully's face twists in disgust.

"Your such a sick freak, you don't deserve to live." She adds, with a smirk. The boy then punched Brittany in her nose that was most obviously fake. Blood then spurts from her nose and lips because he had fractured her naval cavity and pieces sliced open the tough part of her mouth.

The bus driver widened her eyes as she stood up out of her seat to break up the fight.

"Shut the hell up. You don't realize how valuable life is do you?!" He growled at her.

Silke then abruptly stopped screaming, as she realized his voice was the voice inside her head and inside her dream.

But she had never met her savior before, how could his exact voice be inside her head?

The boy abruptly stopped punching the irrelevant bully as Silke gently wrapped her arms around his waist.

"It's fine, you can stop." She whispers, as the boy lets the blonde crumple to the floor.

The students block the bus driver from getting to where Silke and her savior was because they were stepping over the unconscious body of Brittany and shoving the bus driver out of the way. Silke hated this school. She hated the people, the order, the respect, all until she met him.

"My name is Tobias by the way, what's yours?"


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2015 ⏰

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