Chapter Twenty: "сучка"

Start from the beginning

You had started to lose hope, they had did so much, they had played loud music at night so you couldn't sleep, turned the temperature so low you were freezing, they had put you in a white room for what you thought was a couple of days, without noise, furniture or human contact, a particularly hard day was when the smaller man had decided to try to drown you with gasoline, covering your mouth with a cloth and pouring it over, it burned and you felt some of it burn your organs from the inside out. You didn't know why they needed to do this to you, but you were just so tired of trying to hold it together, but even if you gave up and told her everything, she still needed you weak, so there was no winning in this scenario. You just hoped that the team was still looking for you, that there wasn't anything else happening that was occupying their time.

Wanda Pov

It has been weeks and we still have found nothing. That woman is a ghost and dangerous, she has been declared an Avengers level threat, but again, we can't find a thing on her. Natasha has gone back to S.H.I.E.L.D. Fury thinks it was an inside job as Natasha's log in had been used to access Y/n's files but Natasha was in the Compound when they were accessed. I just don't know what else I can do, me and Tony have spent countless nights falling asleep in the lab, Bruce is the same too. Natasha comes back occasionally but is gone before anyone can talk to her. Some of the team have been starting to lose hope I can feel it, I think everyone is just fed up with not finding anything.

When I went down to the lab the next morning, Natasha was already there with Tony,

"What's going on"

"We need to get the team together"

After Tony asked Friday to get everyone down to the lab, he shared the news,

"Natasha was able to get Fury to release Y/n's files to us"

"Natasha brought up her file, it detailed the the coordinates of the planet she was from, her parents, her race, everything, it also had a video" she clicked on it, regally dressed man and woman appeared on the screen, he spoke with a deep voice,

"Hi, we are the people of Planet Olympia, our planet is in imminent danger. We understand you have a somewhat intelligent life on your planet-"

"Honey, you can't say that"

"Sorry - we understand earth is a planet that is not unlike our own. We hope you can look after our daughter, she is the heir to the throne on Olympia. We hope to survive the attack but -"

"Your highness they have arrived"

"Please look after Y/n, and Y/n if you are watching, we are sorry, and we love you. We want to be with you, but we will not leave our people. May the earth protect you"

The screen went dark, and Natasha shut it down before it could play again. I didn't even know how to process what I just watched, she looked so human, she does look human,

"What does that mean?"

"Like why did we need to be here for this? It doesn't help us find her" I added,

"It means that Madame B. knows what Y/n is and needs her for something, it also means she can tell Y/n more about who she is" Natasha said back,

"Meaning she can earn Y/n's favour in exchange for information" Bruce realised,

"Bingo!" Tony said,

"Mr Stark, sorry to interrupt, but we have received a video from an unknown source, shall I play it?"

"Yes Friday"

Everyone quickly looked to watch the screen, and when we did it was the same robotic voice, this time she acknowledged that we are likely aware of who she is,

Playing with fire ( Female Y/N x Natasha x Wanda)Where stories live. Discover now