Chapter 6 - The Letter

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Hey Guys! ERaine here again!

I really appreciate all of the views I'm getting (:

I'm hoping for more reviews though! So if you could, please send my a simple review, Thanks!

Violet167: Thanks soooo much for your revieww! (: I hope to update every week at the very least. But we'll see how busy I am. Well, today, I wrote 6 chapters, so I should be alright with just one chapter per week.

I also have this story on Wattpad! My name on Wattpad is " TheERain " . You can also find this story by searching "Serendipity"


The Letter

The picture had left both children speechless. This was the first time in their life that they had seen their mother. Not only that, but it was their first time seeing their father be so affectionate towards someone other than themselves.

Growing up, Usui had considered remarrying for the sake of the twins. However, the twins knew that their father could never love another woman other than their mother. It wasn't just their father. But they never liked the women who came either. They had even considered going to find their mother, and bring her back. But now they knew. She was dead. They had to face facts. They were never going to get that motherly love in their life, and their father would never come to love another woman for the rest of his life.

After 10 minutes, the twins finally decided to see what else was in the box. They took out a golden pendant. It look kind of similar to the one they saw on Aunt Suzuna's neck, but the design on the front was different. They opened the pendant and saw another picture of both their mother and Aunt Suzuna.

"Do you think Aunt Suzuna is actually our sister? Is that why she came? Because she wants father to take her back into the family?" Miku asked.

"No, she's too old to be our sister. But she's definitely our Mother's sister. They look too alike to not be sisters," Hiku noted.

The next object in the box was another paper. It was a letter written by their mother. The letter went like this:

Dear my child,

If you're reading this, that means that I am already gone. I truly regret not being there to watch you grow up, or help you in any way I should've as a mother. But knowing that you are Takumi and My child, I know you will grow up into a fine man/woman.

Anyways, I am truly blessed to be your mother. I am wondering how you'll look like in the future. My looks are pretty below-average, but your father is the most handsome man I know. So I know you'll also be blessed with his looks (Ahhh! Just thinking about him makes me blush).

Your mother is a total tsundere. But because Takumi is a perverted-outer-space-alien, (Also, don't tell him I said that) his genes are definitely stronger than mine. So you'll probably be like an exact replica of him.

I thought I'd also talk to you about love. Love is a very complicated thing. Just like how a flower cannot blossom without sunshine, a person cannot live without love. So make sure to love one-another. I pray that you'll find a person to love you just as Takumi loved me. Being loved by someone gives you strength, while loving another deeply gives you courage. I'm sure you will find the right person to marry and live your entire life with, just as I did. (Although I'm not quite sure why your father had even chosen me to love and care for, so what do I know? Haha.) I wish I was able to tell you how your father and I fell in love, however, I do not have much time at the moment.

The rest of the letter might be confusing, because I don't know your gender, but I have written a section for if you turn out to be male, and another section for if you are female.

If you were a boy, your father and I agreed to name you Akihiko, meaning "Bright Prince." But now that I'm gone, I doubt he'd stick with that name. Nevertheless, the meaning doesn't change. I hope that you will be a bright person as you grow up. I know even if I am gone, your father will raise you to be just like him. You should strive to be like him, because he is the best man I have ever met. And I know that if I had stayed, you would've also been the one of the best men I'd have met too. You're also the heir to the throne too. So I pray that you'd be a great king, as your father was and probably still is. Being bright doesn't mean that you flirt with every girl though! I especially hated your father for being such a flirt (even though he technically never flirted with another girl other than myself. You father was just very popular among the female species and occasionally the male species. Haha, don't tell him I said that either).

If you were a girl, your father and I agreed on the name Miki, meaning "Beautiful Princess." I always thought it was a cute name, and I'm sure it would suit you. But, again, since I am gone, your father probably gave you another name. Still, I'm sure you are beautiful. Not only on the inside, but the outside too. I just want you to know that physical appearances don't mean everything. Just because you are physically a beautiful princess doesn't mean that others will see you as one. But knowing your father, I know you will grow up with a truly generous and righteous heart. I'm sorry I'm not there to help you with any of your girl problems. I also know your poor dad will be sad when you find the love of your life, but one advice I will give you, is that men are not the whole world. Do not let them define who you are.

Again, I'm extremely sorry that I left you and your father alone. I hope that fate might bring us back together someday, however I doubt it. There are many reasons why I left the castle, but just know that if there were some way I could've stayed by your side, I would've. Please take care of your father. After a few years, I'm sure he'll move on and find a new love. Please support him in whoever he chooses, for his happiness is my happiness. I'll watch you grow up from afar, so please don't come search for me. I wish for both of us to live a peaceful life, and in order for you to live peacefully, I must leave.

Your mother,

Misaki Ayuzawa Usui

And that was the end of the letter.

"There are many reasons why I left the castle..." Hiku muttered.

"Please don't come search for me..." Miku repeated.

Hiku and Miku jerked their heads towards each other. "She's still alive," they whispered in unison.

I hope you liked this chapter! :D

I'm actually having a really fun time writing this. I feel like a reader while I write, not knowing what's going to happen.

Please Review and Leave Any Kind of Feedback c:

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