Back Pains (Kord x Eli)

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It was around 2:27 am as Eli sat up in his bed and stood up, bending his arm to rub his aching back. Mostly his lower left side. He went to the kitchen to get a drink for thr 3rd time.

Eli was always a light sleeper. The slightest noise could trigger him to wake him up, to the point he can't go back to sleep. He walked in, got his drink and sipped away. He didnt notice Kord walking in as he was disturbed by the lights.


When Kord spoke it made Eli choke on the water, making him spit it out spillinf all over the floor and his shirt and cough a few times.

"Oops- Sorry bro, didnt mean to scare you." Kord said as he watched the tired Shane get some towels to wipe his shirt.

"Its fine Kord, its my fault i probably woke you up with the lights." Eli said as he put the clothe down to wipe up the water.

But bending down didnt seem like a good idea as his back gave out, and made Eli hiss in pain slightly. Kord took notice of the dark blue haired teenager's arm as it was on his back.

"Is.. something wrong with your back? Is this why your awake?" Kord asked as he picked up the water.

"Yea.. Its been bothering me all week and it feels like its getting worse. Im loosing sleep because of this." He responded leaning against the counter.

Kord felt bad at the restless Shane, he knows how it is. But.. he might have a way to help him.

"I might have something to help you.. go the couch and sit down ill get it." With that, they went their separate ways.

Eli was skipping through channels while sitting at the edge of the couch.

"Seen it.. seen it.. seen it.. seen- .... seen it, god they need to add more episodes already." Eli complained as he skipped a episode he has seen the previous night.

Then Kord came in with something that he set down on the table. Eli was confused at it as he sat up, only to hiss in pain again.

"You said its been lasting for a week?" Kord asked as he plugged the thing in for it to warm up.

"Yea.. I probably pulled a muscle but this hurts like getting slugged by a Rammstone.." Eli complained again trying to sooth his back.

"Well, once this heats up it will help. In the meantime we can try a different method-.." Then it hit Kord about Eli's shirt. He can use the hand method with his shirt on but itll be difficult as for the heater it might ruin his clothes. Oh boy..

"Kord? You good?" Eli has mamaged to stand up to snap his fingers in the cave trolls face that was slightly red.

".. Uh- y-yea im.fine. Erm.. can you remove your shit..?" Kord tried his best to not make it sound weird.

Eli was taken aback, he had to think about why and guessed just so the heater doesnt ruin his clothes.

"..uhm.. sure, but why exactly..?" He lifted his shirt up and over.

This exposed his chest that was well built, and Kord never noticed how brod his arms are. Though not AS built like the cave troll himself but just enough for an average human boy.

"Just so its easier for me, and I dont want the heater to ruin your clothes." Kord responded.

That made Eli better about his theory.

"You able to lay on your stomach?" He asked.

Eli tried his best to do so, even if it made him give off a few hisses in pain from.his back and made him try a frw different ways but no luck.

"Afraid not.." Eli said as hr went back to self massaging his back.

Kord thought for a moment then picked up Eli and sat down on the couch with the boys head on his lap. This made both of them blush.

"I.. Im sorry if this is weird but... are.. you comfortable like this..?" Kord asked making sure Eli was ok.

"Y-yea.. Im fine with this..Y-you can do whatever your idea is.." Eli replied.

With that, the cave troll moved Eli's hand away from his back and replaced it with his own hand. This made the boy below shiver as the touch of Kords warm and giant hands. He started movinf his hand up and down, hittinf att he spots tht were sore.

After a few minutes of this, Eli finally gave in and relaxed into Kords touch. He moved his legs closer so they werent danginf off the edge and let Kord do his thing.

"Feelin any better?" Kord took notice in his movement.

No words, just a small nod from the boy. To which the cave troll was happy to see. Soon enough, Eli was asleep as Kord kept rubbing his back and using his other hand to flip through channels.


The wind made Eli bolt up.

"What was that-" He was then in alot of pain and was pushed back down by Kord.

"Easy Eli, it was just the wind. Man you are a light sleeper bro." Kord said as he started to rub his back again.

"No kidding..." Eli was in alot of pain to fight Kord as he was set back down.

"I think the heater might be ready." Kord carefully bent over to grab the heater and unplugged it before settinf back down. "This might be a little to hot for you."

Eli nodded, just not into this idea since he liked having Kords hand on him, it felt nice and safe.. Of course he wouldnt admit it so he let Kord out the heater on him-

"Ahh-!" As soon as Kord put the heater on his back Eli hissed in pain, he wasnt used to that temperature.

"Sorry bro, you alright?" Kord asked as he took it off quicly.

"Y-yea, that just... caught me off gaurd." Eli shifted a little do hes more comfortable.

"Do you wanna try again?" He waited for Eli to be comfortable.

"Hmmm..... wouldnr hurt I guess.." He was quite hesitant but just rolled along with it.

And with that, Kord carefully put the heater back on. Eli did grab on the edge of the couch in pain, but he can handle it as he did get used to it anf soon relaxed a bit to the warmth.

"There we go.." Kord said as he felt Eli relax and he used his fingers to rub the rest of Elis back.

"..Thanks.. for tryna help me.." Eli said, turninf a little to look at Kord and smile even with a tired look on his face.

This made Kord blush, and he smildd back.

"No problem Eli.. happy to help."

(jesus that took me a night and early morning to finish, hope u enjoy this!)

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