'Looks like we've found its base. Time to go and tell them the good news.'

He blows the lamp to turn it off and went back outside. He retreats back into the bushes where he left them. He make sure to observe his surroundings as he approaches the two figure.

"Alright you two. I think we're onto- something." He trailed off. "Zenitsu? Inosuke?"

When he enters the bush, he expect them both to be bickering or something. Instead he found them both sleeping right next to each other. He crouched down and began shaking them.

"Hey, wake up. Zenitsu. Inosuke."

'This is bad. If we're caught by the demon like this.'


'What was that?!' He turns around. 'This scent. A demon is nearby!'

"My oh my, I didn't think I would have guests coming tonight."

As he hears a new voice, his suspicions were correct when he spotted a figure sitting up ontop of the tree branches. He quickly took stances and withdraw his sword with only one arm.

'I need to protect them both. Even with one arm.'

"Oh, how rude of me. Care for some tea? I can make some inside. Or." The demon pulls out something from behind her back. "Do you want to sleep? It is getting very late and you need some sleep to gain energy."

'A shamisen?'

"Shall I play you one of my favourite piece?"

"Blood demon art: Melodic symphony song."

The demon began to play her shamisen picking the strings one by one in a smooth and gentle music. Tanjiro wasn't persuade by this distraction and keep his guard for any attack, but he quickly noticed something.

'She's putting me to sleep!'

"Come and lend me your ears. Listen to my melodic instrument making such beautiful music. Won't you agree darling?" The demon taunted

Upon realisation, Taniiro quickly covers his ears to avoid the hypnotic melody that is music. But it was already too late for him. He yawned with his mouth open wide signifying he was being put to sleep. His leg felt weak as he fell down onto the ground with a loud thud.

'Crap! I'm gonna fall into her trap! I need to stay awake!' He thought as he tries to get up

"Persistent are we? It doesn't matter how hard you try, you will succumb to the melodic tunes and fall asleep. Eventually." The demon grinned

'Come on! Stay awake!'

Suddenly, Tanjiro felt something odd was happening. He heard another voice echoing in his head. It kept on repeating names such as, Komi-san, Najimi-chan and Tadano Hitohito.

'Who are these peoples? I need to wake up!'

A spark was induced inside his brain when he realized he got the most effective pain stimulant around. He aimed his sword direct over his own shoulder and in one quick motion, stab it. He screams in pain but it worked. He was wide awake.

"How did you?!" The demon was shocked

'Time to escape!'

Without wasting anymore time, he went over to where his friends are and haul both their asses away from the demon. Even in a weakened state, he can carry both men on his back with one arm and he ran as fast as he could. He didn't looked back and didn't dare to look at his bloodied shoulder. His breathing is getting heavier and heavier. Eventually, when he reached the village's outskirts, he drops them both onto the ground as he collapses to catch all the air that is around him.

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