"I mean sure? If you want to that is. It doesn't have to be tonight. Like I said I'm normally up around this time anyway." He smirked and nodded.

'I will perhaps Accept your Invitation for Night time Tea. Farewell Child of man" He said before disappearing in a Small flutter of Fire fly like lights. I should have realized from the horns but the Lights made me realize just how inhuman this man was. This man I nicknamed Tsunotarou. 

I had often left my door unlocked after that hopping he would show up and come inside. And true to word Most nights I would be awake around Midnight, Tea in hand and sitting at my table or on the Porch. I would see him walk across the lawn or his Fire fly Lights fly in the Yard. 

On those nights I would leave a saucer and Tea cup out for him. I didn't have magic otherwise I would have used some way to keep it warm for him through out the night. However on the nights I left it out it was always empty when I woke the next morning.

The next time I meet him It was while I was trying to save my Friends from Azul. I had wondered back to my Dorm missing the quiet. my legs hurt and I was sure Floyd was scuffing up my floors and ruining all the work I had done to get the place into shape.

"I walked back to Ramshackle dorm out of Pure habit" I said looking up at the House now Lit up on all sides with sad eyes. My Vision started to sparkle as I saw the Green Fire fly like lights gathering around me.

"hm You're..." I blinked as Tsunotarou appeared before me looking saddened.

"Your Tsunotarou, You came" I smiled. He crossed his arms and looked surprised.

"Tsunotarou? Who is that? Are you... Referring to me?" He asked. I giggled and nodded.

'You said I could call you a name of my Choosing and I did warn you I was terrible with naming" He smiled brightly and laughed. I smiled brightly at him happy to have made him atleast laugh a little. 

'Tsunotarou hehehe! You really are fearless, it seems. No matter. It was I who told you to use a name of your choosing. I'll indulge this liberty and permit you to refer to me by your... Curious nickname" I grinned up at him. This was honestly just what I had needed that night. I had been so down that seeing my Mysterious friend had Brightened my sprites even just a little.

'By way, I've noticed that this Dorm had seemed Rowdier as of late, Along with you no longer Leaving out Tea for me. Are you taking in more students perhaps? I thought perhaps you had been sleeping through the night more often" I sighed and that there damped my mood quickly. I shook my head and looked up at the dorm sadly.

'Actually, I had to make a deal with Azul. My Dorm was used as Collateral until I can uphold my end of the Deal by tomorrow" Tsunotarou frowned.

"What? You made a deal with AshenGrotto? Well... I suppose that does explain it. Then once the sun sets tomorrow, I suppose this place will belong to him and become a hotspot for Noisy students." I huffed and crossed my arms. He smirked down and raised an eye brow.

'heh, You look like you take issue with my Statement. You don't like me speaking as though your loss is a given?" He frowned uncrossing his arms. I nodded up at him.

"Correct, The Bet isn't lost yet. I'm not letting go of Ramshackle with out a fight. Besides Azul has gotten under my skin and Went after my Friends. I'm not going to just let him walk all over me as well." This was the only home I had left I wasn't about to lose it to Him and his little Goons. Tsunotarou frowned and looked up at Ramshackle putting his hand to his chin. almost like he was thinking.

'Incidentally, the walls of this dorm have some rather impressive gargoyle sculptures" I blinked. Gargoyles? I looked up.

'It makes sense... the Ramshackle is old so it would need them for Drainage during rainstorms right?" I said confused why we were talking about them. He smirked down at me.

Dragons Hoard ((Yandere Twisted Wonderland Fanfic))Where stories live. Discover now