4: yeah so um well i um

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I got to the door and knocked and Charlie's dad opened it and that's unusual because Charlie always answers, thats when I knew he was generally sick. I texted my mum that I arrived safely and his dad said I could go up to his room. I saw him led on his bed with a cold towel on his head and his cat next to him with his sister giving him medicine. He definitely wasn't his perked up, funny self. Still cute and sweet though. "Charlie!" I said running over to him. "Careful." He mumbles as I went in for a hug. "Oh sorry,sorry!." I say excited to see him. "I'll go now." Tori says, smiling at me. "Bye." Charlie says. "Thanks." He groans. He moves over so I can get in the bed and he lays his head on my chest. "Aw, are you okay, what hurts?." I ask concerned. "My stomach and my head hurts." He says putting his hand over his stomach and removing the towel from his head. I grab his blanket and tuck it over him gently. "How was school.?" He asks, cuddling into me. "Okay." I reply with. "A good okay or a bad okay?." He asks. "I'm not sure." I say looking down at his bed fiddling with my fingers for the 4th time that day. "Nick?, are you okay?." He says sitting up with his hand on my chest: "yes, yes lay down, I should be the one asking you if you're okay."

We argued over that for a while but it was silly. I kiss his forehead and he sits up and grabs my neck and pulls me in for a kiss. He grabbed where my bad eye was and I pulled away, without thinking. It really hurt. I couldn't grab his neck because of my wrist. Oh know I'd made a mistake. "What?." He says thinking he did something wrong. I didn't say anything I began to cry. "Nick?, why are you crying." He says in a calming voice. "Surely you didn't miss me that much?." He says and we both begin to laugh. He looks down at his hands and he sees the makeup that had come off of my face onto his hands. He looks at me, then his hands, then me, then his hands for few times, until I realised he had figured it out.

"Nick what's this about.?" He asks curious. He wipes it all of my face. I try really hard not to go "ouch." Whoops I said it. "What?." He says even more confused than he has been for the past 25 minutes.
"What's this.?" He reveals my bruise and swollen under eye. "NICK WHAT HAPPENED?." He says scared for me. "Yeah so um well i um..." I didn't know what to say. "Harry." I said with no hesitation and shrugging my shoulders. I'd given up hiding it at this point. "I told you to stop getting into fights!" He says rubbing my eye gently." I know that's why I didn't tell you." He leans me up against the bed and we go back to our original positions. He puts his head on my shoulder.

"Charlie." I say feeling sorry for myself. "Yes." He says rubbing his stomach. "Would you like me to rub it for you.?" "You don't have to." He said. "Well I'm going too anyway." I reply with a half glanced smile. "What we're you going to say?." I was going to show him my wrist but I think he is still processing the other stuff I'll let that sink in first. "Oh yeah don't worry." I said, putting my hand on his stomach. "Gosh that took you a long time to answer." We both laugh and watch a movie together. <3

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