Chapter Thirty One

Start from the beginning

"What do you want." Diana gripped her shawl, looking around for anyone nearby. Unfortunately, she was quite alone at the moment. "If you hurt Sir Steffan I swear I will..."

He laughed louder cutting her off, "Will what? You interfering little wench."

Diana stumbled back as he took a menacing step toward her, before she could run he quickly grabbed her wrist.

"Why are you doing this!" Diana hissed as he gripped her wrist tighter.

"It's because of you that the Prince has in his head that can escape his fate. That he doesn't have to marry the blasted woman." Sir Elliot's dark eyes poured into hers that Diana wondered if the devil had possessed him.

"Ever since he has met you, I knew you were trouble and now he thinks he can give up his titles and wealth to run away with you." he yanked her toward him satisfied at the cry she made.

He quickly dragged her to the forest, his brute strength grabbing her and covering her mouth with his gloved hand to muffle the screams that clawed out of her throat. Panic rose through her.

"I'm going to make sure that he will never want you again, and this little letter will never reach him." he whispered in her ear, lewdly trying to grab the hem of her dress. Diana bit his hand hard, he cried out releasing her. He started after her again but remembering what her brothers taught her watching them brawl she kicked him between his legs. He groaned in pain dropping to his knees, surprising Diana at the effectiveness.

"I had thought a willing person was exhilarating after seduction but this is more thrilling!" he recovered staggering back up. 

"It's YOU!" realization hitting her. "You are the one who sired the child."

"And so what?" he laughed.

"Diana?" Penelope's voice was behind her a blessing. 

"Penelope!" Diana shouted turning towards her. "Get help!"

Sir Elliot shot his hand out, grabbing her ankle and making her trip.

"You are fiery, no wonder he immediately took a liking to you." he hissed pinning her down. Diana clawed at him, fear now getting overtaken by anger until she did what she used to her brothers and head-butted him hard. She felt something wet drip down on her as he cried out in pain.

Before she knew what happened she felt his weight get yanked off her. Her head hurt from the thickness of his skull.

"Diana!" Penelope dropped down next to her as she rubbed her head, confusion hitting her.

"Are you alright!" Dominic's voice, one that gave her a wave of relief.

"There is blood everywhere." he gasped panicking.

"It's not mine." Diana said quickly looking down at her dress.

She looked at Sir Elliot who was running to his horse, "You!" Dominic ran to him but stopped when a gun was pulled from the satchel of his horse. Diana gasped moving towards Dominic fear gripping her.

"I will have my revenge you insipid whore." the hate and fury pinning her frozen to the spot, the threat was a sure promise.

He got on his horse, his gun still pointed at her brother who was shaking in anger before he galloped off.

"Are you alright!" Dominic turned to her hugging her tightly against his chest.

"Yes." Diana croaked bursting into tears. "That bastard!"

"We need to get you out of here." Dominic pulled back panic still on his face.


Diana's mother shrieked when they approached the house, quickly gathering her children in her arms.

"What happened! Whose blood is that?" she quickly assessed both of them searching for any signs of the source.

"Mother, we are ok, Diana was attacked by Sir Elliot and he has threatened her life. We need to leave and get her out of here." Dominic said. Diana couldn't fathom the activity that burst forth,  shock instilling in her deeply. Servants, her brother, mother rushing around the house giving instructions. Darcy and Damien soon arrived and immediately Darcy took over quickly whisking everyone back to the Vincent house. Penelope her good friend in shining light gave them information on why Sir Elliot attacked her.

"Wait, Sir Steffan where is he?! Freddie as well!" Diana said she watched Tinsley quickly pack her trunks.

"We will ensure everything will be revealed to the Prince and I will find Sir Steffan," Darcy said squeezing her hand in a promise. "You are a Vincent, therefore you are strong." 

Diana with Dominic and more footmen armed to the teeth road off into the night moving fast without much stopping. As the ship sailed away from England, Diana stared at the piece of land as they drifted into the unknown. It wasn't how she thought she would go when she started on her adventure. That night she hoped and prayed that Sir Steffan was safe and that the Freddie will find her somewhere in the now expanding world that she was entering. 

A Pact With The Prince | Bridgerton ~ Prince FriedrichWhere stories live. Discover now