Chapter 10: Highway Hysteria!

Start from the beginning

"Your body!!!" Tom added

Sonic looked at himself and said, "No, no, no, no, no, not again!!!"

"Hold on!!" Tom says

"Why?!?!???" Sonic asked

"Cause i'm gonna do this!" Tom responds

Tom then hit the breaks on the truck, which flung Sonic into the air, off of the truck and he curled up into a ball, this being possible, once again, since he IS a hedgehog and he rammed right into a white and black tank, making it fall to it's side on the road.

Tom then turned the truck around and looked at the wreckage as he saw Sonic curled up in a ball and no longer sparking.

"Sonic, are you alright????" Tom asked, genuinely concerned about the speedy blue Faunus

Sonic uncurled and got up, clearly dazed.

"Guess I had a bonus life." Sonic comments, still dazed but quickly snapped out his daze and smirked when seeing the wreckage of the tank and break-dancing a little. "Oh, yeah, baby!! Sonic 1, Big tank 0! I'm sorry did we get that on camera?"

"How are you not dead?!??!??" Tom asked

"I have no idea!!" Sonic answers, not sure how he's alive either. "Did you see me dancing?"

"Yeah, I saw you dancing." Tom replied

Sonic then looked at the tank and scoffed, "Is that all you got??"

"No, but thank you for asking." Robotnik's voice replied, coming over the speakers of the tank

Just then, some gear shifting was heard in the tank.

"Uh-oh." Sonic stated

"Sonic....get back in the truck!" Tom said as he turned the truck to drive off

"You go, I'll catch up!!" Sonic said

Tom then drove off. So Sonic ran and got back in through the passenger side window.

Just then, a smaller vehicle came out of the wreckage of the tank and raced after them.

"I think that tank just had a baby." Sonic comments

The strange vehicle shot out some EMP discs but completely missed the truck. Sonic then climbs out and hangs off the back of the truck.

"Where are you going???" Tom asked

"Just drive the car, i'll take care of this." Sonic replied. "And if I don't make it, just ditch me, you seem good at that."

Sonic then hopped off and ran along the road as three more EMP discs were shot out. Sonic rode on two of them as he grabbed the third one. He then hops up, causing the two he was on to crash into each other as he lands on top of the strange vehicle and looked at the lens Robotnik could see through.

"Hey everyone, welcome back to my live stream. Today, we're destroying robots." Sonic said, holding up the EMP disc. "Step 1."

Sonic slammed the EMP disc onto the vehicle then jumped down to the road and ran back to the truck as it crashed on the side of the road as Sonic got back into the truck.

"We did it!!" Sonic exclaimed

Out of pure spite, another drone came out, this time that was on one wheel as it chased after them.

"We did not do it." Sonic says. "Who is this guy?"

"Ever wonder where your tax dollars are going?"Robotnik's voice stated, coming over the drone's speaker

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