Chapter 6: Sonic loses his rings

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In the forest, Sonic was hiding behind a rock. He looked in multiple directions. Army soldiers and drones. Everywhere. Everywhere he looked, he saw at least two drones and 6 army soldiers and almost half as many army canines.

"Okay, you played some tennis, got a little upset, LIGHTNING SHOT OUT OF YOUR BUTT, and now they're coming for you." Sonic said just before he zoomed off to the cave he had been staying in

"Okay, this world isn't safe anymore. Time for plan B, Mushroom-ville, Mobius." Sonic said as he ran around the cave collecting things

"Okay, essential items only. Toothbrush, toothpaste, hair gel, this funny hat, this half eaten cantelope, my ENTIRE comic book collection..." Sonic said as he was putting anything he felt like he needed into the dufflebag and backpack he ha, the backpack being the only remain from his time as a freedom fighter on Mobius

"Bean bag...can a Bean bag even fit in a backpack or dufflebag? No of course not, that's stupid." Sonic added as he zipped up the backpack and dufflebag

"What else?..the rings! Yes, of course!" Sonic said as he grabbed the ring bag and pulled out a ring and prepared to throw it but he heard barking and drones just outside of the cave

Sonic had now figured out he had to go somewhere else to leave Earth safely. He headed for a secondary exit to the cave he never thought he had to use making sure not to forget his ring bag, his backpack, or his dufflebag, especially his backpack since he put his ring bag in it. He looked back at the cave and sighed.

"Goodbye, cave......." Sonic said as he left the cave

Back at his home whilst Maddie and Ozzie were away, Tom was busy figuring out the quickest possible path to San Francisco. At some point, his phone started ringing and he answered it.

"Hey." Tom greeted

"Hi." Maddie responds

"So, what are you up to?" Tom asked

"Just coloring with Jojo and Rachel." Maddie

"That sounds...half fun." Tom said, setting his marker down. "Hey, exciting stuff here, we had a power outage. Whole town went dark. Felt like a sign telling me to get out of dodge."

"Wade must have lost his mind." Maddie stated

"Yeah, and he does not have much to lose." Tom replied. "So how's your sister? She convince you to leave me yet?"

"No, but she did tell me to check your phone for dating apps." Maddie states

"Only apps on my phone are the ones that came with it." Tom states. "And the Olive Garden."

"Ah cause when you're there....." Maddie starts

"You're family." Tom finished

A crashing was heard outside by Tom's garage. When he looked out the kitchen window, the trash cans he usually had by the garage were knocked over.

"No way....raccoons are back." Tom says, searching through the drawers. "This time, they are in for a surprise."

"Your 'surprise' better not be my tranquilizer gun." Maddie said. "The poor things are just hungry. Also, those darts are for bears."

"Good, now I know it'll work." Tom said. "Just kidding, i'm just gonna use it to scare them."

"Tom-" Maddie started

"Love you honey, bye!" Tom said before quickly hanging up and setting his phone back down on the counter

In the garage, Sonic had broken in through a window and hopped to the floor in the garage.

"Okay, i'm in." Sonic whispered. "With minimal damage to Doughnut Lord's property. It didn't work out on Remnant, but that's okay, you're going to a safe world. A nice, safe world filled only with mushrooms. Mushrooms that'll be your only friend."

Sonic hesitantly pulled out a ring.

"No, I can't, that's stupid." Sonic said to himself. "You have to do it, there's no other option."

Sonic takes a deep breath and held up the ring, ready to throw. However, something stopped him. Tom kicked the side entrance to the garage open, holding the tranq gun and a flashlight.

"L.C.P.D!! Pending background check, paws in the air!!!" Tom shouts before the flashlight and tranq gun aimed right at Sonic

The two stood there silently, staring at each other.The first one to eventually speak up was Sonic.

"Uh.......meow???" Sonic said, trying to seem innocent

Out of instinct and the fact he's seeing something he's never seen before, he screamed, which made Sonic scream. And his body acted out of instinct, pulling the trigger on the tranq gun which shot out a tranq dart that hit Sonic in the leg.

"Ow..." Sonic comments, looking at the San Fransisco shirt Tom had on. "San.....Fransisco???"

The ring fell out of Sonic's hand and it rolled along the ground, opening a ring portal to directly above the Transamerica Building. The sight had Tom at a loss for words.

Sonic ended up tripping, dropping his backpack which still had the ring bag in it through the portal and it fell through the portal, and onto the Transamerica Building.

"No....." Sonic groans, crawling slowly towards the portal

Before Sonic could get to the portal, though, the ring portal closed and Sonic passed out.

Things were silent again in the garage.

"What???" Tom questioned, unsure of how to react to all of what he just saw

SONIC: The Lost Freedom FighterOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant