Ghosts in the night

Start from the beginning

Mrs Lovett couldn't help but wring her hands in worry. She felt scared for the young lad - Mr T was certainly irritable, and though she didn't care much for the livelihood of the sailor, the last thing she wanted to see was another dead body she'd have to take care of later. Cleaning one of the tables closest to the staircase of Sweeney's parlour her eyes would occasionally dart to the door. Justifying her curiosity as a need for gossip, the woman looked around, picking up her skirts and walking up the creaky stairs to the worn wooden door. Forcing the door open, Eleanor heard the bell ring loudly above her head before she could see the scene before her. 

The young man was kneeling in front of the devilish chair that Sweeney had been sat on, his hands tightly gripping the arms. Anthony looked at the barber in confusion, as the evident hatred and fear in Sweeney's eyes pierced the sailor's skull.

Anthony flinched at the sound of the bell, turning his head to look at the door. Seeing the auburn-haired figure in the doorway he let out a suppressed sigh

"Mrs Lovett," relief was evident in the young man's voice which made the woman wring her hands harder as her worry grew, "I was about to call for you. Mr Todd doesn't seem to feel too well."

Eleanore stared at the barber in sympathy. His eyes seemed to hold so much horror, pain and distress, that she could hardly bear to look at them, letting her gaze land on the floor instead.

"He does, doesn't he?" Her voice sounded much different to Anthony - none of that usual cheeriness or loudness that she regarded all the Londoners with. Now it was low, barely above a whisper. He couldn't dwell on it though, because the woman quickly composed herself, putting on a wide smile. "I'm sure Mr T is just tired, settling in a new city has been hard for him, I suppose, especially after so many years... elsewhere" She smiled, helping Anthony stand up and walking with him towards the door. "I'll talk to him, sir, and you can come tomorrow morning so that you can continue your conversation, alright?"Anthony had been too confused by everything that had happened in a mere matter of minutes to answer verbally that all he could do was just nod as the door shut right in front of his face.

Mrs Lovett pressed her back against the dark worn wood, letting out a suppressed sigh, looking at her barber slumped in his chair as if he was merely a doll prepped up on a mantlepiece. 

"Poor bugger, what's gotten into you now,  huh? Sitting here, while me poor bones has to clean out the courtyard," The woman kept her tone lighthearted, seeing that the man's eyes had wandered off somewhere far away, probably something that she wasn't invited to. It was not the first time that the baker had encountered Sweeney in such a state and she was certain it wouldn't be the last. She shoved any signs of worry down deep before approaching him. Either way, he always seemed to snap out of it soon enough.

The woman slowly, but carefully approached the demon's chair, innocently looking around, twirling one of her many rags in her hand

"The young lad got you all worked up, didn't he? I tried to tell him you wouldn't see him. I mean, with your parlour being near to closing time and all that, and a customer in your chair, heaven knows what the poor boy's eyes could have wittne-"

"Mrs Lovett, for once in your life, close that chatterbox of yours, will you?"

Sweeney's voice was deep and slow, making Eleanor breathe out a sigh of relief at the sound, It meant, that at least in some shape or form the barber was okay. Slowly making her way over to him, careful not to move too close to the man so as to not annoy him further, the woman settled in on the small stool of Todd's vanity, on the right of his demonic barber chair.

They sat near each other in silence, but from the glimmer in Sweeney's eyes, Nellie could tell that the man was plotting something as if his eyes were searching for a solution scattered somewhere on the floor, ground, or even ceiling before his lips curled into a twisted smile

"Would you care for a walk, Mrs Lovett?"


The weather was ruthless, cold wind pinching their colourless cheeks as the pair strolled along chilly London streets. With the rain pouring down as if a bucket was being dumped over their heads, Mrs Lovett clung tightly to Sweeney's arm, which was carrying the umbrella under which the two of them tried to fit. It truly was useless, because by the time they reached Turpin's house the couple's clothes were drenched in a filthy mix of rainwater, mud, and whatever the hell the townspeople had spilt on that pavement.

The baker's mind was racing, her heart beating faster than ever before. She came up with their plan. She always did, especially when Sweeney was too wrapped up in revenge to think clearly. Eleanor had always prided herself on having a clear mind, but now, as they faced the door to Turpin's residence, she began doubting herself. Stealing a quick glance at Sweeney, she saw nothing but determination in his eyes, his other hand tightly gripping the razor in his pocket.

 Nellie prayed that the massive hood she wore would be enough of a disguise, though she had made an effort - her unruly auburn haired secured tightly underneath a bonnet she had dug out from the bottom of her closet, caking her face with anything that resembled some sort of powder, until she became almost unrecognisable. Finding the least torn dress she'd inherited from her mother, she pulled at the strings until it looked somewhat presentable. 

As she stared at the mirror, she felt pride fill her chest. She hadn't lost her touch for deceit - the change was remarkable, and she even dared to think that she had seen a glimpse of surprise and admiration in Sweeney's eyes as she met him in his parlour.

"Ravishing, Miss Quade," He sent her a sinister smile that almost made her melt

Oh, how she wished he could look at her like that for eternity... For one evening, Nellie thought, one evening she could pretend. For that one evening, when she wasn't herself, could she live out her fantasies.

"Thank you, my lord," she had tried to sound exaggerated, but she had given him a genuine smile before the two walked out of her shop.

Now, the facade of the devil's house towered over the two of them, and Nellie gave Sweeney's arm an absent-minded squeeze. The woman kept her head straight, looking at the door and studying it intently, remembering the last time she had stepped a foot in there. Feeling Sweeney's eyes on her, she gave him a tiny nod, letting go of his arm and hearing him disappear amongst the hedges. Now everything depended on her.

A/N: So sorry for the long wait! I had many personal problems and also a huge writer's block but I am for sure back and hopefully, the next chapter will be posted sometime next week! All, especially Nellie's plan should be revealed, so stay tuned!

I also really wanted to thank you all for the support this book has received! It has been over a year since I published the first chapter and the amount of love that you guys have shown has completely blown me away and I dearly thank you for that. <3

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