1. Soul Marks and Mate Marks

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       In this already crazy world of quirks, that only 80% of the population had. Soulmates also existed. However, unlike quirks. Soulmates only appeared in less than 1% of the world. A very rare and unheard-of occurrence. They were still new, and not many things were known of this phenomenon. Data collected around the world, since this all started, was very minimal. Which meant soulmates had to figure out things on their own as they went along their bond.

Of course, it was the typical, colors would be brighter, giving a euphoric feeling when with each other. Some could write in each other's skin and appear on the other as a tattoo. Some could even hear their thoughts and feel each other's emotions. The red thread theory also existed – hearing music, and many more other instances, which not all have been documented.

There were even those unlucky ones, who could feel physical pain.

However, not all soulmates experienced the same thing. Just like quirks, there were different variations of what people felt, heard, saw, and tasted. What they experienced – not one could be said was better than the other. And the unusual part, unlike the quirk, was the soulmate marks didn't appear until one turned twenty-one. So, one wouldn't know if they were part of the less than 1% until they turned, of what doctors called, soulmate age.

The surprising fact was how the marks were different from the typical fairytale marks fantasized throughout history. These soulmate marks were all the same on soulmates. Astonishingly, soulmates weren't known just as soulmates. No, that's what people were called as a pair.

Individually, they were known as the soul mark bearer and the mate mark bearer.

Usually, the soul mark bearer had a white mark, and the mate bearer had a black mark. And they were the only ones who could see each other's marks. It wouldn't be visible to anyone else. Even though the marks all looked the same on everyone, only those who were pairs could see each other's marks on their skin. The only reason why it was known to the world, was because of how much research was done on soulmates.

Researchers didn't understand why this phenomenon just like the quirk itself, first appeared in China. The first ever soulmate pair came to light in this country, and then after that, people who turned twenty-one began to get these marks all around the world. When someone turned twenty-one and did not receive a mark, it was clear that later on, a mark would not appear.

Just like quirks, the host either got a mark or not. It was impossible for it to appear at a later age.

It became clear early on, how the soul mark bearer was more important out of the pair from the years of research. However, that didn't mean the mate was not important. On the contrary, the mate bearer helped to keep the soul marked bearer sane. Unfortunately, for the mate. Researchers found that once a mate died, the soul mark bearer could continue out living without its counterpart.

Though they would never be the same again – mentally.

They wouldn't get another mate; they were a once in a lifetime opportunity. However, unlike for the mate bearer if the soul bearer died first. The mate would die along with them.

There were many skepticisms of what this meant.

How was it possible that only one part was more important than the other? There were many talks, and conspiracy theorist. However, no one has ever figured out why?

Why was it that the soul mark bearer could survive without its mate? But the mate couldn't survive without the soul mark bearer?

Sure, the person holding the soul mark, would lose their mind. Still, not their life unlike the mate.

The Souleater (Tamaki Amajiki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now