Chapter 2.

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Mika's POV.

"So let me get this straight." I began. "You and this Neshville kid were next door neighbours."

"Yeah, like a million years ago." Bose huffed. "Uh, didn't you say it was five?" Chapa asked.

"Same difference!"

"Not really though." Chapa said.

"Okay, I'm just going to ask the obvious question here." Miles said. "Why do you hate the dude?"

"Who wouldn't hate Mr. I'm all prim and proper and every parent thinks I'm more perfect than their kid." Bose stressed.

"Oh, I see." I said. "We've got ourselves a case of the greens."

"What are you talking about?" Chapa asked me. "Envy." I replied.

"Envy?!" Bose repeated. "What, you think I'm actually jealous of that snob?!"

"Oh come on, there's no way anyone named Neshville can ever be snobby." Miles said. "Really?" I asked.

"Uh, have you ever met an impolite Neshville?" Miles asked me. "I don't think I've ever met any Neshville." I replied.

"Well, I have!" Bose yelled. "Stupid little try hard, crawling back into my life after I finally got rid of him five years ago."

Chapa spoke, "Actually Bose, from what you've told me...well, more like what you've endlessly complained to me, Neshville seems like a pretty nice guy."

Bose did that dramatic gasp he always does. "You, take that back!" He said. Chapa rolled her eyes. "Just saying you don't have to be such a baby about this." She said. "The dude actually sounds really friendly."

"He's a he-devil!"

"Pfft. You could just say devil, we know he's a 'he'" I said.

But then I shut up. Because unknown to me, Bose apparently knows how to give death glares.

Really scary ones.

Yikes, they could actually compete with Chapa's.

"Okay you know what?" Bose said. "I'm moving to Florida."

"Oh come on, dude." Miles said. "You're not going to move to another state."

"Yes. Yes, I am. 'Cause there's no way I'm reliving the trauma of being next door neighbours with-"


What in the world?

We all turned to the classroom door to see a boy with blonde jelled hair, wearing a yellow sweatervest, waving at Bose like he's waving to Barney.

Well, things just got a lot more interesting.

The boy ran to give Bose a big hug. "I can't believe we'll be going to school together, it's been so long!"

I glanced and Miles and Chapa and they had the same knowing looks on their faces.

This is probably him. The ever so hated Neshville. Is it wierd that he looks exactly the same way I imagined he would?

It is, isn't it? Whatever.

Now, I'm decidedly a very nice person and I make it a point to make a good first impression on everyone I meet, and I was about to say hi to Neshville but I almost choked on my own tongue trying to bite back my laughter at the look of pure horror on Bose's face when Neshville mentioned going to school together. He's a little shorter than Bose and probably a year or two younger. It's easy to tell from his kinda high-pitched voice.

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