"Oh," You looked over to the empty drive. "I... Can't really, Jacob, I-"

"Please," He pleaded, giving you his best puppy dog look.

You groaned and looked back over to the empty drive. "Fine. Five minutes." You said firmly.

"YES!" Jacob cheered as you made your way over to the front door.

You hated being inside that house. It reminded you that Andy wasn't yours and filled you with guilt. But you couldn't say no to Jacob, and it wasn't like Laurie was home.

"Go that way... Then, down there." You pointed on the screen. "Then round the corner, but stay low." You smiled as Jacob followed your instructions. "That's it." You looked out of the window at the sound of a car pulling up and frowned. "Shit." You whispered and looked back at Jacob. "I should get going, Jacob. Your mom's home." You frowned.

Jacob grunted as he continued to play his game. "I wouldn't leave yet. She'll only be mean to you if she bumps into you." He frowned.

"What difference does it make if I stay here? I can't run if I do."

"She won't come in here." He looked at you over his shoulder. "Trust me."

You nodded and briefly looked at his closed bedroom as if Laurie was just going to walk in and start trouble before focusing back on Jacob and the game.

The front door slamming shut caught your attention before you heard two pairs of hurried footsteps running up the stairs along with laughing before another door was slammed shut. You raised your eyebrow and looked at Jacob as he looked over his shoulder.

After a couple of minutes, the unmistakable sound of moans and bed springs began to come through the walls making both you and Jacob look towards the door shocked.

"Ew, tell me they're not." Jacob groaned dropping his head into his hands.

You gulped feeling your heart break at the thought of Andy breaking his promise to you. Tears formed in your eyes as you heard Laurie moan in pleasure in the next room.
Why would he do this? He said he loved you. He promised he didn't love her anymore.

Your cell began to go off beside you on Jacob's bed startling both of you. You quickly grabbed it, clearing the lump that had formed in your throat and answered it.


"You're not, Jacob." Andy said taking you by surprise.

"Shit," You looked back down and realised you had picked Jacob's cell up instead. "Sorry, Andy, I thought it was mine." You said catching Jacob's attention.

He frowned, "That dad?" He asked confused, still hearing his mom next door.

Your brow creased, "Wait. Where are you?"

"Almost home. Why? Where are you and Jacob?"

Your eyes widened, "Oh, hmm- JACOB!" You called out trying to stop him as he shot up out of his seat knocking his stuff over. You followed after Jacob, unable to stop him as he barged into his parents bedroom. "Oh, no," You looked away.

Jacob froze as he witnessed the handy man (who you had recommended to Andy months ago) jump off the top of his mom and the pair scrambled to cover themselves with the covers.

"WHAT THE HELL, MOM?!" Jacob screamed at her.

"Jacob!" Laurie looked at both of you panicked. "What's she doing here?" She scowled at you.

You scoffed and grabbed Jacob. "Really? You've got the handy man, balls deep in you and I'm still the bad guy. Fuck you, Laurie." You spat.

You moved Jacob down the stairs and out the door just as Andy pulled up in the drive way next to Laurie's car. You groaned and looked back at the house, this was not going to go well.

"What's going on?" Andy asked as Jacob ran up to him and wrapped his arms around his waist, finally letting his tears fall. "Sweetheart?" Andy looked at you.

You gulped as you looked at him. "Uh, you need to stay calm, please, Andy."


Before you could open your mouth, Laurie raced out of the house panicked, wrapped in a robe and barefoot, with the handy man following after her, still trying to dress himself, only to come to a stop as they came face to face with Andy.

"Andy, I can-"

Before you could register what was happening, Andy had pushed Jacob into your arms and marched over to where the half naked handy man stood beside Laurie and punched him in the face. You covered Jacob's face as Andy repeatedly hit the man, over and over as Laurie screamed at him to stop.

"Make him stop, Y/N. Please." Jacob pleaded.

You nodded and cupped his face, "Go to mine." You ordered softly and pushed him towards your house. You took a deep breath and walked over to Andy. You reached out and grabbed his hand as he pulled it back to hit the man again. "Andy, stop."

He looked at you over his shoulder, his eyes wild like a mad man before he slowly calmed down and let the man go. He nodded and stood up looking back at Laurie angrily. "Get your shit, and get out! I want a divorce!"

You looped his arm around your shoulders and your arm around his waist and together you made your way to yours. You chose to ignore the stares from the neighbours that stood out in the street watching things unfold as you walked inside your home and shut the world out.

"Dad?" Jacob stared at Andy from the kitchen.

Andy looked at him and shook his head, tears finally falling as Jacob ran up to him and wrapped his arms around the pair of you. "M'sorry," Andy whispered, wrapping you in his arms too.

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