Part 3

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You decided space was exactly what you were going to give your neighbors after that night.

You made sure to leave the house way before they did. You ignored Andy's texts, hell, you even kept your living room curtains drawn because you couldn't face looking over. It was killing you. You'd kissed another woman's husband. A man you couldn't keep out of your head, who you'd somehow become so dependent on without realising it, you were actually starting to feel lost not seeing him. He was your friend, but that kiss woke something from deep inside you that made you crave more.

"How would you like to pay?" You asked the man that had just ordered some flowers.

"Credit card, please." He smiled at you.

You tried not dwell on the fact he was giving you major creepy vibes as you took his card. "No problem, I'll just -" You drew in a deep breath as you read his name. That need to have Andy close to you came surging back as you tried to keep calm. "Hmm, there... You go." You handed his card back. "I'll just put these together for you." You smiled politely as you collected the flowers the man had chosen from the counter and headed into the back.

You let the door close behind you as you pulled your cell out and for the first time in almost a week, you dialed Andy's number. As you waited for him to pick up you quickly put the man's flowers together, not caring if it looked terrible, you wanted the guy out.

"Miss me?" Andy asked playfully.

You took a shaky breath, "Leonard Patz, is in my shop!" You whispered.


"Leonard Patz, is buying flowers from me." You glanced out of the small window, checking he was still there. He was, just waiting patiently where you'd left him.

"Okay, stay calm. I'm on my way. Has he said anything to you?"

"No. He said he's buying flowers for a friend called, Ben." You frowned.

"Okay, Y/N, listen to me. Act normal, take him his flowers, smile, bid him a good day and just stay in the shop. I'll be there as quick as I can, sweetheart, okay?"

"Okay, don't worry, I'm not gonna follow the creep, bye." You quickly hung up and took a deep breath.

You picked up the bunch of flowers and opened the door, stepping out into the front of your shop with warm smile, or so you hoped, and handed the flowers to man in front of you.

"There we go, sir. Hope they're what you wanted."

Leonard nodded, "Perfect. Thank you." He smiled at you. "I'll most certainly be coming back. Goodbye."

You nodded, "You too, thank you." You smiled, giving a small wave as he opened the door and left.

As soon as he walked by, you took in a deep breath and practically fell to the floor. You weren't sure why but tears started falling and you felt so disgusting being near that man. His eyes, they were just full of evil, and as you knelt on the floor crying, you knew it had to have been him.

The door flew open a little later, startling you, "Y/N?" Andy called out. "Sweetheart?"

You let out a relieved sigh, "Here." You sniffled.

Andy walked around the counter and dropped to his knees as he cupped your face. "Are you hurt? Did he hurt you?"

You shook your head. "No, I'm fine... I, he..." You drew in a shaky breath. "He, he said, they were for his friend, Ben." You quickly covered your mouth as a small sob escaped.

Andy wrapped his arms around you and pressed a kiss to the top of your head. "It's okay. I'm here." He closed his eyes as you cried into his chest. "I'm here." He whispered. "I need to check that he's gone, okay? So stay here, yeah?" He asked as he once again cupped your face in his large hands.

You nodded and quickly brush your tears away. "Okay."

Andy took a deep breath before he leaned in and gave you a short but firm kiss, then stood up and made his way out of your shop. He knew by now Leonard was probably gone and the chances that he knew who you were, were probably slim. But Andy had to make sure you were safe.

His blood ran cold as his eyes met Leonard's as he stood some distance away down the street. The sick son of a bitch was waiting for Andy, like he knew he'd show up and began to smirk as Andy spotted him.

Andy took a step forwards but something in his peripheral vision stopped him. He looked back at you as you busied yourself tidying things away, and decided Leonard wasn't that important right now, you were. Without a second glance, Andy made his way back inside to you.

Your eyes widened with panic as you looked at him. "Was he there?"

Andy shook his head. "Looks like he's gone." He wrapped his arms around you and closed his eyes as you hugged him, burying your face in his chest. "You're safe, sweetheart." He reassured you as he held you in his arms. "C'mon, you should get home."

You nodded agreeing with him. The two of you quickly gathered your things and then locked the shop up before walking round to where you had parked your car in the alley. But when you got there the thought of getting home and having a nice relaxing bath was quickly vanishing.

"Do you think he did it?" You asked Andy as he assessed your four flat tyres.

Andy shrugged with a frown as he poked at one of the tyres. "Could be, but someone definitely did this on purpose. Looks like all four were slashed." Andy let out a frustrated sigh as he stood up and walked towards you.

You chewed on your bottom lip nervously as you looked over your shoulder. "There's something I need to tell you."

Andy's brow furrowed, "What do you mean?"

You gulped as you looked over your shoulder again. "There's been this black car parked outside my shop all day. I've noticed it a few times out side my house. I thought maybe it was a cop at first but then--" You drew a deep breath. "I thought it might be something to do with my ex-husband... It's freaking me out."

Andy sighed as he wrapped his arms around you. "Don't worry, okay, we'll figure this out."

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