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We got to the school and master got out first he nodded a thanks to the driver once outside before walking away. The windows In the front are one way so we can look out but they can't look in. As soon as he left toma drove down the road a bit before stopping again so I could get out.

"Thanks toma ill see you later okay? I end after 4th lesson today is that okay? I can always walk back"

"Ho ho no its fine young yama I will come get you. Enjoy your day ho ho"

I nodded and left smiling. Making sure to take my bag with me. I waited by the wall of the school till haruhi got there. We said our hi and hellos before we then walked side by side into school together.

"You okay today haru? I just mean that its ten year since today" she nodded and smiled affirming her okayness.

"Yea im all good hey you think I could get some help studying tonight? Or will you be at work?"

"I can help you till 10 then I need to sleep ready for work again at 3." She nodded and we made our way to class.

We have form first which is basically 30 minuets everyday before lessons to figure out what classes we have, to mingle or study, its just how you wanna spend the time you have before lessons basically. Me and haruhi always take our time to study. We'll pull our desks opposite eachother and have our books out.
It can be hard sometimes. Yknow with the twins and all. There in all of our classes and if there's a minuet of silence its instantly filled with there mischief or the girls chattering about them.

"Um miss koshu?" I look up to see a boy with short black hair and blue eyes he's got a nice complexion and soft features. "Sorry to bother you I just um" the boys name is koji sawada he's really nice but he always gets awkward around me.

"Do you need help with something sawada-san?" I ask him softly. His face goes all red and he pulls out his book and puts it infront of me pointing to an algebra question. "Oh okay I can totally help you out! Haruhi you listen to your having some trouble with this too okay?" She nodded. Sawada pulled a chair over and they both listened in as I explained the equation to them.


Its now brake time and haruhi and I were wandering around looking for a place to study. I needed to catch up on this stupid chem class. I hate science its my worst subject!

We went to loads of different library's but they all seemed filled to the brim with students all being loud and gossipy. There's no respect to the rule of silence In a library.
We eventually came across this abandoned music room and thought that'd be our best option.

Oh how wrong we were!

We opened the door and a bunch of rose petals flew at us. I gasped in surprise only to inhale one of the petals. Oh god. I began coughing a whole bunch at the feeling of the petal hit the back of my throat. I coughed up the petal and ew'd at it.

Once I'd looked up again I saw haruhi getting bullied by a group of guys. There were 6 of them all dressed in the regular uniform. I looked closer and noticed I knew 3 of them. There was the twins and master.
I made eye contact with master and immediately threw my gaze somewhere else.


Mainly to the golden retriever boy that was tryna set haru up with some guy here. He thought haru was a boy and was gay! Wrong one buddy im over here.

I moved so I was next to haruhi in front of some pesistal with an ugly vase on it.

In a strange turn of events haruhi had stepped away in surprise, she stepped on my toe and I yelped slightly, as I was caught off gaurd. She got coughed off by my yelp and fell backwards into the pedestal. The vase began to fall and both me and haruhi went to grab it. Haru had *just* missed it and it smashed on the ground.

Awe man it was ugly but it still deserved to live!

"Awe there you go commoners we were gonna auction that vase off...." they began going on about price and I was stunned i dont have that typa money!

"Theres a saying. "When in Rome do as the romans do" SO FROM TODAY ON YOU WILL WORK OFF YOUR DEBT AS YHE HOST CLUB PETS!" The loud blonde shouted.

Oh shit really? why?

The bell went off signaling it was time to make our way to classes once more.

I siged and walked myself to the office to ask them If I could use the phone. I called the Morinozuka House and miu picked up. I explained what happened and how I needed to stay later than I thought she agreed and told toma to pick me up at half 5. Thats when the host club closes to guests the others stay behind an extra half an hour to go through business or whatever they do.

I made my way back to lesson and appologise for being late. God todays going to be a pain.


Right now I should be in the car on my way back to the mansion to start cleaning but no im still in school eating food with haruhi. I didn't expect to be here at lunch so I didn't bring food for it.

I looked around the room and saw master and masters cousin sat eating cake. Other girls were watching them from afar the same as I. But suddenly master turns his head in my direction and makes direct eye contact again.

I threw my head away and moved myself so he couldn't see me as haruhi would be in the way.

We got to the host club and tamaki asked us to get some stuff for the club so haru and I used the club telephone to call a cab to take us to the store we frequent.

secrets        (Mori Ohshc)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα