Part Three

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Nanon watched as Ohm laughed, giggling whilst watching a show he was least interested in.

He stared as the person beside him squinted his eyes, his lips trembling as he let out more giggles.

He wanted to smile and laugh as he was, he wanted to be able to feel free and be comfortable like Ohm was, but there was something deep inside of him that restricted him from doing so.

That whenever he was close to freeing himself he was held back.

He had tried to push past it, to pretend as if everything was okay, - everything was fine between him and Ohm, things were great between the two of them - but not everything was settled inside of him.

He didn't know what was going on, or what bugged him but somehow as he thought back to everything the past few months they have been together, Nanon couldn't help but be worried.

He couldn't help but feel his heart thump to the beat rhythm of the reason he wasn't used to. Fear. He was fearful. 

"What are you thinking?" The question brought him out of his thoughts.

He found Ohm looking at him, his fierce eyes staring down at his own.

Before he got lost in those eyes again - like he always does - he redirected his gaze to the front tv not really paying attention to it. 


"You promised that if you ever start dwelling inside your head again you would tell me", he heard him say and Nanon only smiled remembering how he has been thinking a lot lately and being inside his head the past few months.

Sometimes he would be so deep that he wouldn't take note of his surroundings if anything changed, or hear the countless times Ohm would call him. 

"I know and I will'' he simply stated as Ohm gave him a doubtful look before setting his eyes on the TV before them. 

It still amazed him at how Ohm paid attention to things, - mostly him - and would easily pick up if anything was wrong.

He listened to Ohm's laughter once more, but now his whole body moved as he laughed, his eyes were teary at the corners and his smile revealed his perfectly white lined teeth. 

It's how uneasy the whole experience was making Nanon feel.

Everything was so peaceful that he couldn't help but think something big was waiting to happen or perhaps wished it to.

As he sat there with Ohm beside him, Nanon eyes drifted towards Ohm's shoes beside the door, perfectly lined up next to his own shoes, then they focused on Ohm's jacket on the singular sofa besides the mini couch, lazily thrown there before he had slumped down on the mini couch minutes he had arrived.

They moved from the jacket to the two plastic cups labed O and N on top of the table filled with Cranberry juice.

The  cups they had received from their fans during one of their events and were told to always treasure them as they represented their fans' love towards them.

As he looked around, he knew what his mind was doing, as if it had a brain of its own.

It was nitpicking everything of Ohm's in his condo right now, showing him how he was casually moving in.

He even had extra clothes nicely folded neatly in Nanon's wall wardrobe.

Nanon, a few weeks ago, had found himself rearranging the whole wardrobe to make room for Ohm's clothing that seemingly scattered around the room.

It hadn't bothered him at the time nor how when he was preparing his monthly shopping list, he found himself listing Ohm's favourite food, snacks and drinks.

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