The gods murmured amongst themselves. Demeter was among those who refused but was quickly pacified by other gods who agreed.

Sacrifices needed to be made, and if their Champions knew, how many would be killed or hurt. Then the outcome the gods all hoped for wouldn't happen. As the Twelve argued among themselves and the meeting quickly came to a close, Zeus pulled Aphrodite for a word.

"You must choose your Champion now, Aphrodite. You know the events to follow involve your choosing."

The goddess smiled, luminous skin glimmering against the afternoon sun. "It's been a century since I chose a Champion." She reminisced, "And you're sure?"


"Alright. I'll see what I can do." She paused, "But If you'd be so kind, could you remind me of that prophecy? Ever since you banned its complete utterance, I've forgotten. It has slipped so easily from my mind."

His face hardened. "No, just choose a Champion, and try to choose right Aphrodite. You know how the prophecy goes, choose wrong, and it'll cost us."

She frowned, "Always so difficult to talk to. I hate how you are now, always telling us not to meddle with the humans. Whatever happened to the man who started a war over playing with me, Hera, and Athena for a mortal man's favor?"

"Those days are long gone now. You know it's better this way Aphrodite."


What was involved in the process of choosing a Champion? Other gods simply chose by random. The other half meticulously tried to find a worthy human to receive their gifts, and the little slice of that other half chose the one who thought best fit their ideals. Aphrodite, well, was the kind that wanted to cause a little havoc- not for malice, of course, but just for a bit of entertainment.

So when that Champion of Persephone was stolen, she already had someone in mind. Excitement filled her senses. It was a stroke of genius, and it made so much sense. The goddess thought.

She went back to her temple and looked through her mirror. The face of a girl with black hair and dark eyes stared at her while Zeus' champion stood beside the girl.

The goddess giggled. Her eyes flared with expectancy and thrill.

"Is that going to be your new champion? She seems awfully plain compared to your usual choices, Aphrodite. What are you planning?"

Aphrodite jumped in surprise, seeing that it was only Hermes.

"What are you doing here?" She hissed.

"Nothing much. I just know you're going to piss Zeus off one way or another, so I want front row seats." He reasoned rather matter of factly.

She squinted her effervescent eyes at him, glowing in different hues, before returning to her mirror.

The view this time showed Hecate's Champion watching the two in the cafe, and Hermes realized what she was doing.

"Now that's just cruel. Are you not even going to warn Hecate? Or ask permission?"

"Ask permission for what? Who cares if her Champion will know. That's part of the fun of it all."

"All three of them in such proximity." Hermes marveled. "It's going to be torment for that Champion of Hecate."

"I know. I know." She laughed, amused.

Hermes continued watching the scene in the mirror, eyes curious. "Don't you think it'll be dangerous?" He asked, "Your choice seems to like Zeus' Champion, and everyone knows he likes that Persephone boy."

"I thought you wanted front row seats. Why are you questioning my choices?" She sneered.

"I'm just saying. You know how the prophecy goes. If you choose the wrong Champion, we'll have to anticipate losses, and I'm not sure we have anything left to lose." He mumbled.

"Even if I choose wrong, what kind of serious havoc can my Champion do with her gifts? Seduce a few powerful people and start a nuclear war? Even that's impossible."

"You underestimate yourself, Aphrodite. You of all gods should know that love is a powerful, powerful thing." Hermes replied, "Or maybe you do know, and this is just how you play the game."

The goddess didn't answer, and focused only on the girl in the mirror.

"I'm not playing any games, and this girl.l, she will be too weak to use her gifts to their full potential without my help. And I don't intend to teach her."

"You can never know with humans. Sometimes they surprise us with feats of-" He shrugged, unsure. "Well...greatness."

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