Chapter 1: First day of 10th grade

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Warning: A lot of cursing and usage of the F slur
(don't worry guys i'm gay!!) tho i don't know if that still counts as being bad..

I experience a terrible stomach ache when I awaken. The first day of school is today, ughh. I recently moved back to South Park. It's going to be awful, I tell you. There are so many people I hate here. I slowly rise from my bed as I get ready for school. When I first put on my green button-up shirt, I always struggle to position the buttons properly. I say hello to my mom as I descend the stairs. My father has already left for work. I prepare some cereal and consume it all. I then walk to school.

At school
First things first I have to get my schedule. Walking to the office, I come across one of my old bullies.. Eric Cartman. He would always bully me because I'm gay. stupid fucking homophobic people. I swiftly hide to try to avoid him, but he ends up seeing me. "Yo what's up gay bitch?" oh fuck. What do I do?! How do I escape?! "uhm hi.. Eric." Eric walks towards me and puts his arm around my shoulder, making me feel uncomfortable. "so how's your boyfriend doing" " have you guys done anything yet?" "imagine liking fucking cock BAHAH" I hear the office door open and Craig comes out. "speaking of the devil look who it is ,Craig, the other gay fag!" Craig stares at Eric and I. He flips off Eric and walks off. This made Eric furious, so Eric went after Craig leaving me alone. holy shit. Craig looks so different from elementary.. well obviously... it's been like 6 years.. he also looks very pissed off. anyways must get my schedule.

First Period
I walk into my first period feeling anxious from earlier, I look around at my classmates and I see Craig. shit. Why does he have to be in my first period. god damnit!! Hopefully I don't sit next to him. I look up at the board to see where I sit.
WHAT THE FUCK. I sit next to him. well not exactly, he sits behind me. well i mean at least he's not besides me. I would flip the fuck out.. I don't want to have to deal with what I had to deal with in elementary.. and develop feelings for him that i'm think about it.. did he ever like me back?? no no. of course he didn't like me back we were just pretending for everyone else. it was just me who actually developed feelings.

During class
During first period, which is math, I felt something poke my back. I turn around. It's Craig. Oh Fuck. Oh fuck. I quickly become anxious and say "u-uhm yes?" "hey, can I borrow a pencil, kinda forgot one." oh. is that all he wanted. come on tweek, why did you get your hopes up. it's not like he was gonna say that he wanted to go out with you. of course he wouldn't, we haven't seen each other in a long time. "yeah here hold on" I handed him my favorite pencil. I don't know why I did that. Hopefully he gives it back..

Lunch time
I have no idea where I should go eat. I have no friends at all. I guess i'll go eat in the bathroom. Walking down the hallway to the bathroom I see Craig again. Why is he everywhere my fucking god. Craig stares at me. AHH WHY IS HE LOOKING AT ME. I start to run into the bathroom. My fucking god. My heart is racing.. I hate this feeling. I lock myself into a stall and look into my backpack for food. I soon realize that I forgot to pack myself something to eat. wow I love my life. it's not like I was gonna eat anyways. The bell rings indicting that 5th period is going to start soon. Ugh I really don't feel like going to the rest of my classes. I'll just stay here for the last two periods. 

I spent the majority of my time on my phone browsing Instagram while in the restroom. I wonder whether Craig is on here or not . I then searched up Craig Tucker. He's here, I believe... Let's have a look at this. I browse his page and find a ton of gothic, quirky pictures. Oh, this one is UGH IH MY GOD. The picture is him and Clyde in a selfie. "hhh Craig".

Feelings I hold in (craig x tweek)Where stories live. Discover now