"Can't you reach it?!" You annoyingly asked, glancing at him. The man just raised both his hands that are full of juices from the fruits. "Fuck this shit."

He grinned, licking his sweet lips once again and eyeing you so tightly. "Did you just swear?"

You stood up and approaced him, aggresively wiping his face, feeling numb on your fingers. "I freaking hate you."

"Love you too, dude." Almost inaudible, he softly uttered while his eyes placed just on your irritated expression. You pulled away after wiping his cheeks and threw the tissue on the trashbin nearby. "Wait, Y/N, not done yet."


Mark tilted his neck, drips falling on his throat. "I still have it here."

"Are you a kid?! Goddamnit." Your blushing cheeks thankfully calmed down as you got tissues once again.

You bended your body and with an irritated expression, you repeatedly cleaned it again. Mark chuckled witnessing every tiny reactions you are showing. "You can use your tounge instead if you are that grumpy."

Right after he said that statement that caught you off guard, a sound of blender rung on the house, which made you surprise and lost your balance.

You stood up and dusted your arms, glaring at Mark who's laughing so innocently.

"Well, fuck you Mark." You took a deep breath, your chest heaving up and down.

"Please?" He frowned, making you cough in your saliva.


"Which one?" Johnny pulled a navy blue suit and a matte silver one.

You titled your head, shaking your head. "I don't know. Both is good but I think the cut is awkward. Would not show your godly features."

"Thanks for the compliment, babe." He smirked, throwing the clothes on the bed and sighing.

Currently, he asked for your advice about what to wear on a luxurious event. He was invited and despite being a fashion icon, he still wanted to ask for your opinion.

He's hella nervous and you can tell by the way he was rummaging on his closet.

"This? Or maybe this? That? That one? Think this one is better?" He raised both his hands and forced a smile. "How the fuck do I dress."

"Calm down, Mr. Suh." You giggled, finding it adorable, even when he just swore. "You're swearing once again. Better shut those mouth and stop bluffing so we can actually find one."

He stepped close towards you in a teasing manner. "Can you seal it then?"

"Uh-nuh. Focus on your dress." You pointed at the closet and stared. "I think we might need some help with my friends."

"Are they as fashionable at me?" Johnny smirked, resting his large hand over the top of your head lovingly.

"Okay, one replied pretty fast." You smiled, showing a photo with a matte black suit on it. "What do you think?"

"Bro--" Johnny paused abruptly and blinked gently. "Well.. it looks.. good."

With your thumb typing a few words on your phone, you faced Johnny with a short smile. "She said that it's on the way already. We can count on the quality of those clothes."

"What? Am I borrowing it?"

"No. She owns a clothing shop and I bought it." You giggled sheepishly, tossing your phone and walking towards his bed while waiting for the black cloth to arrive.

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