Marmalade's Defeat

Start from the beginning

"Chief!" Diane called out, catching the chief's attention.

"This better be good," she said bitterly.

"Trust me," said Diane, "you don't want to miss this."

"Look!" Tiffany Fluffit gasped, pointing at the Bad Guys' car driving towards us.

"Well, butter my crumpets," the Chief said in disbelief.

"Can it be?" Tiffany asked, facing the camera. "The Bad Guys are returning the meteorite?! Perhaps this is the feel-good story we all need!"

"You better believe it, Tiffany!" I said.

Suddenly, we noticed the car came to a complete stop. What was all this about, I wondered? Then, I remembered. After everything I did, they still forgave me. Maybe... Just maybe...

Then, Wolf pushed the pedal and the incomplete gang zoomed past us! Diane rolled her eyes and raised her arms up in frustration.

"Wolf!" the Chief yelled.


Feeling as though I had to do something, I gave a kid fifty bucks in exchange for his rollerblades and skated as quickly as I could in the direction the car drove off. Despite wearing such a heavy dress, I was surprisingly agile.

Fortunately, it was easy to tell where they were going because I could see the Professor's helicopter. Unfortunately, another swarm of guinea pigs appeared out of nowhere, seemingly attacking the Bad Guys. What was worse, I noticed Snake being pushed of the helicopter and Marmalade taking the meteorite!

Suddenly, the rest of the Bad Guys drove towards the broken bridge where Snake was falling and seemingly attempted to make a jump to catch him and get to the other side... only to begin falling into the chasm below.

"No!" I shouted, skating faster through all of the guinea pigs. I heard an explosion and saw Marmalade's helmet get blasted off by the shock and it flew up into the helicopter blades, getting destroyed and freeing all of the guinea pigs from his control. The damaged helicopter began going down.

"Cuddles, we're losing altitude! Going down!" Marmalade shouted. I just skated past the fleeing guinea pigs to the end of the bridge half, not noticing the grappling hook, and looked down with worry.

"Piranha?!" I called out. "Please, don't be gone..."

"What happened?" I heard him ask from below. "Did we blow up? Is this heaven?"

I sighed in relief knowing he was okay. Wolf began climbing back up and I offered to help him, but then he noticed the chief staring at him with a smug grin and attempted to climb back down.

"Oh, that is it!" she laughed, grabbing the line and pulling them all back up. "There is absolutely no way you're getting away this time!"

"Wait, Chief!" Diane called out.

"Governor Foxington?"

"Don't do this!" she pleaded. "They didn't steal the meteorite, they were bringing it back!"

"It's true, they really were!" I insisted. The chief just laughed.

"How could you know that?" she asked. "Unless... Unless you were conspiring with a bunch of known criminals."

I looked up at Diane, who took a deep breath.

"Well," she said, clearing her throat, "as a matter of fact... it's time I came clean about something. The truth is I'm really... really..."

"Really a big fan of redemption arcs. Yeah, we know," Wolf interrupted. He looked back at the others and they all nodded at him. Wolf handed the cat to Diane and the five of them held their paws, fins, and tails out. "We're done running away. Chief, do what you need to do."

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