The Good Samaritan Awards

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Here's where your spoiler warning starts (even though not much happens in this chapter). If you haven't seen the movie yet, I suggest waiting until you have. For those of you who have seen the movie or just wanna read anyway... carry on.

It had been almost three years since I became Professor Marmalade's ward and my life since then was... humdrum. Other than to go shopping, I didn't leave the house much. Marmalade went to all of these charity events but he never asked me to go with him. For every party, gala, ceremony or soiree I couldn't go to, I made a beautiful dress for the occasion. I didn't think it was possible, but deep down... I still wanted to make beautiful dresses for anyone who wanted them.

I had just finished my latest ball gown, with a black bodice and a fluffy red skirt, when I heard the Professor call out, “Gabriela! Time for dinner!"

“Coming, sir!" I responded, taking the dress downstairs with me. I managed to store it somewhere secret so I could surprise him with it. “You can do this, Gabriela. Just tell him, Professor, I want to go to the Good Samaritan Awards with you and you should take me!' No, that'd probably be too harsh. Maybe I should give him a puppy face?"

“Gabriela, what are you on about?" Marmalade asked as I quickly sat down. “Don't you remember what we talked about?"

I nodded whilst looking down. “A good girl does not mutter. Sorry, sir."

Ever since he took me in, the Professor taught me how to act like a good girl should. Only laugh when appropriate, always speak up but never interrupt, no nagging, bragging, sweating, fretting, slipping, tripping, slurping, burping, twittering, or frittering (I know, it's a drag).

“So, Professor..." I began as I poured fish flakes into my tea, “you know how the Good Samaritan Awards are being held at the Museum of Fine Arts tomorrow?"

“I should know, I'm this year's recipient of the Golden Dolphin," Marmalade reminded me.

“I am well aware," I said. “I just wanted to ask if maybe... I could go, too?"

I saw Marmalade raise an eyebrow at me. “Now, why would you ever want to do that?"

“Oh, I'm glad you asked!" I said excitedly and got up from the table to get my dress. “I want to show everyone what a good dressmaker I am. If I get noticed by a big fashion brand or some studio looking for a costume designer, I could make a career out of it!"

“While there's nothing wrong with dreams, Gabriela, I'm afraid you shouldn't hope for too much," he replied. “Even if you could come to the ceremony, people may turn a blind eye to you."

“You don't know that," I said in my defense. “Besides, you took me in when I needed a miracle. Aren't I a living example of what a good person you are?"

“I suppose that's true," Marmalade agreed. “However, you're still just a little flower bud who isn't ready to blossom. You will be, but not right now."

“I understand, sir," I sighed in defeat as I put the dress down and returned to the table.

“We interrupt the crushing of your hopes and dreams for this special news break!" a news anchor on TV suddenly said. Our one and only Tiffany Fluffit is on the scene right now."

“Ugh, I hate her," I groaned.

“What up? It's Tiffany Fluffit, Channel 6 Action News!" she introduced. “The Bad Guys have struck again with their most brazen heist yet, proving once more that they are the most diabolical criminals of our time!"

All I knew about the Bad Guys was what I heard about them on TV, radio, and what I read in the newspaper. But in case you don't know, I can tell you about them.

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