Chapter 2

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                   Trigger Warning

                             It was a sunny Tuesday morning and I was on my way to the bar. I was driving listening to Three Days Grace when I saw my phone ringing. I pulled into a parking lot and answered my phone. "Hello." "Sun where are you?" "Oh hi Freddy. I am on my way. Is everything alright?" "Yes everything is fine. Just get here quick alright." "Alright." I hung up and got back onto the road. I was only a few minutes from the bar and the phone call messed up my timing.

                            I arrived at the bar and locked my car. I walked inside and saw Freddy and Chica sitting on the bar stools. "I am not fired am I?" "No Sun. We wanted to talk to you about Saturday." "Oh." I  said taking a seat in front of Freddy and Chica. "Alice wont be singing this Saturday. Bendy wants to take her somewhere." "Oh that's cool." Freddy nodded his head and stood up. "Some patrons might get upset but we can handle that."

                            It hit six o' clock and I opened the doors. I welcomed guests in and sat them. Tuesday nights where always slow but tonight it wasn't. I was constantly on my toes and the drunks didn't help. "Hey whore get over here." I walked over to a drunk male and remained neutral. The names hurt but I would never let it show. "How can I help you?" "Get me a drink." "I am sorry sir but I have to cut you off." "Fine I'll go somewhere else then."

                           He then got up and left and just as he left someone else came in. I was cleaning his table when I heard someone run over to me. I turned around and saw Chica. "Chica are you alright?" "No. I have to go I am sorry." "Does Freddy know?" "Yes." "Alight be safe." I told her as she ran out the door and I looked around for whoever walked in. My eyes landed on table seven and I saw Mr. Moon sitting there.

                            I walked over and pulled out my note pad and pen. "The usual will do." I never said a word and I walked over to the bar. "What can I get you Sun?" "What is Mr. Moon's usual?" "He walked in?" I nodded my head and Freddy sighed. "I'll make it don't worry." I nodded my head and waited. "Here you go." I took the drink and walked back to Mr. Moon. I sat the drink down and he looked up at me. "Your not Chica."

                         "No. Chica had to leave on an emergency." "Huh. Then how did you know what I wanted?" "I told Freddy Mr. Moon usual." "Did you?" He said with a smirk. "Yes." "So if your not Chica then what's your name?" "Sun." "Huh. Were not siblings are we?" "No I was an only child." "You sure about that?" He asked as he looked me up and down. "Yes. Both my parents are around." "You trust people to easy." "So I have been told." Moon laughed and I felt my chest tighten.

                          "So tell me Sun what did you hear Saturday?" "Nothing. Everyone was gone." "Good answer. Now who am I?" "Your Mr. Moon." "That all?" "Is there more?" "Oh there's a lot Sunny boy." Moon then stood up and he gestured me to follow him. We walked over to the bar and Freddy's eyes widened. "Mr. Moon I am so sorry if Sun did something." "He didn't do anything. Its actually what you didn't do." "Oh." Freddy said as Moon turned back to me.

                         "You and Sun are invited to my place tonight." "Moon I don't think I can do that. I have a bar to run." Moon grumbled and his hand went into his coat. He pulled out a gun and aimed it into the air. "Moon don't you dare." "Perhaps you have forgotten I own you." He fired the gun and everyone scattered out the door. "So my place?" Freddy nodded his head and Moon walked out of the bar. "What just happened?" "You'll find out. Now come on lets go."

                           I followed Freddy to his car and we both got in. "I could have followed you there." Freddy didn't answer he just pulled out of the parking lot and drove. "This wouldn't have happened if Chica stayed." "Do you know why she left?" "Said her house got broken into." "Oh my." Freddy nodded hid head and we arrived at a black gated mansion. "Is this where Mr. Moon lives?" "Yes. Stay close to me and talk when your talked to." I nodded my head and we drove up the driveway.

                          We got out of the car and some men in suites guided us into the mansion. Freddy kept his head up and I kept looking forward. I didn't feel like I belong in a place like this. The men steeped aside and opened two doors. Freddy walked first and I followed behind him. "Have a seat." I recognized it as Mr. Moon's voice. Freddy took the seat to my left and I took the one on the right. I heard the doors close behind me and I saw Moon sit down.

                          "So Freddy how long has Sun been working for you?"  "Eight years." "Eight. And I have never seen him. Why is that?" "You always came in on his days off." "Did I or did you make sure I never met him?" Freddy looked away and Moon smirked. "Sun you kept your word and that is very good." "What word?" I asked. I knew what he meant but I didn't want to die. "Good boy." Freddy shot up and Moon lost his smile.

                        "What is this about Moon? What's so important that you had to shoot my ceiling?" "You haven't told Sun who I am." "Didn't have to." "Oh but now you do. Now sit back down or your little bar goes bye bye." Freddy sat back down and Moon smiled. "I am a mob boss. Do you know what that means Sun?" 'Mob boss?' "Are you part of the mafia?" "Yes. But you didn't know I was on. Did you?" I shook my head and Moon stood up.

                        "From now on Sun will serve me." "No I wont let him go." I was confused but I didn't speak. "You see Freddy Sun's a good boy. He listens. I'll even let your rent slide." I looked over at Freddy and he never looked over at me. "Fine. But you also have to fix that hole you made." "Already being done." "Are we good? Can we go now?" "Not yet. Or at least Sun can't." "No Moon. I am not letting you."

                         "Matt!" A man with a suite walked in and stood between Freddy and I. "Take Sun and bring him to the liquor room." Matt nodded his head and I stood up. He lead me to a door and opened it. "Have a seat Mr. Moon will talk with you soon." I sat on the couch and Matt closed the door. 'What have I gotten into?'

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