Chap 2

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Minato: as a red haired girl no older than 18 fell in out trap that we put up just in case of intruders invade our small home.

Naru: ack!  Ugh where am I?!

Kushina: no way..minato!


Naru:d-dad!? I thought you were dead where were you all my life huh?! You left me there with no family or anything I had no one! -Sobs-

Kushina: should we tell her minato?...

Minato: it's the only way she'll even talk to us so I guess.

Kushina: naru dear my name is kushina also known as the red hot habanero.. and I'm your mother naru I just wanted to say that I love you and always will I just hope after we explain what really happened on the night you were born you'll at least forgive us. -Cry's-

Minato: here goes nothing...on the night you were born your mother was giving birth to you when all a of a sudden Hurizen kills his wife out of anger. He had been drinking because of the sarrow of his oldest son had killed himself for a sacrifice for his mother. But that wasn't the only reason...he was also mad at me for having the big news of being a father in the day of his sons death.I had no idea that he even had a son other than Asuma. But what he did was unforgivable... he knocked me out with a special jutsu that is known for his clan. Then he undid the seal for wanting the chakra of the nine tails. But what he wasn't expecting was the nine tails was far to powerful for h I'm so he woke me up and told me to fight the nine tails.after defeating the nine tails Hurizen told me that he'd kill you if I didn't back down as hokage. So me being the selfish person I am I left with kushina and I guess he planned out and faked our death. So Now we're known as the flaming flash. And now we're in the bing book but fortunetly they did not get to see our face befor death.

Naru: -sobs- that ugly old bastard! I will kill him myself!

Kushina: that's not the only thing though...we have a companion that's in a mission right now but he'll be back in 2 days.. his name is obito he's not much older than you.. now that I think about it... would you like to live with us dear!?

Naru:umm yes do you wanna know how long I've been craving a mother like talk just between mother and daughter!

Kushina: noo..but I do now!

Kushina: minato!get you ass in here we're going to get to know are daughter!

Minato: coming dear!

Kushina: so naru do you have a boyfriend?

Minato: boy-boyfriend -protective father mode activated-

Naru: no I've actually haven't thought of having a boyfriend. But I'll tell you something about me?

Kushina: I'll be glad to her-

Obito: kushina-San minato-sensei I'm home!

Kushina: -smirks- well obito aren't you home early?

Obito: yeah well all those "joining" are trash and I really wanted to have fun.-sulks-

Kushina: well enough of the mission.. I have someone I want you to meet!

Obito: -shocked- but I thought you said no one is aloud to be here?

Kushina: well we thought that too until a certain someone fell in our trap.and we are so happy she did.

Obito: I'll guess I'll meet her but if she's a stuck up snob I swear..

Kushina: come in out dear..

Naru: umm hello?

No one : that's what she wearing and what she looks like

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No one : that's what she wearing and what she looks like

Obito: umm who is she kushina-San?

Naru: hun I'm naru uzumaki ttatabanne! Oops -blushes out of embarrassment-

Obito: -chuckles- she's like a Minnie you kushina

Naru: -hairs goes up like kushinas- what's that supposed to mean you idiot!👁👄👁

Obito: nothing I swear! -Sweats-

Minato: -shivers-

Kushina: that's my girl!

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