Chapter One

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Estella's POV

A desire or need is at it's strongest when the object of your desire is forbidden...

Love. It's the one emotion we have no control over we can't help who we love or who loves us I should know I have been in love with the same man for years not that he knows it but I love him. But before I jump into that lets get to know a little bit about me and my life.

My name is Estella Gooden Stella or Stell for my close friends and family I am the only daughter and youngest for my family. I have an older brother Mitchell Gooden, he takes after our father he just took over the business and is settling in nicely.

I on the other hand I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do with my life I have finished college with my degree in marketing. My plan was to finish school and join my brother in the company helping it to grow but for the life of me I can't see myself sitting at a desk wearing boring suits.

I want to travel the world see places and not just on holidays like for work I have been thinking a lot about starting my own marketing company but I am not ready yet. For now, I spend my time with friends traveling and posting on social media which has given me a lot of exposure and attention but the one person's attention that I am yet to grasps is the one I love.

I have been in love with my brother's friend since I can remember I didn't know why I was in love with him at first, I thought it was because he was older and hotter and I was still a child impressed by those things but the older I got the more I understood that its him just him.

Don't get me wrong I have tried to forget about him because one he is older and my brother's friend and he only sees me as a little sister. And two our family does business together and I don't want to mess that up and third I am scared I don't want to lose the little relationship that we have now for something that might not happen.

Like I said still trying to figure life out. I look up as the car comes to a stop to see that I am home I am coming home from a trip to Italy with my best friend Bexs. Bexs and I have been friends since high school we went when she transferred from Europe and I helped her get settled in.

She is a stunning beauty with her short blond hair that she keeps around her shoulders her light grey eyes and an amazing body. We have been through a lot but we're still together I don't know what I would do without her. I get out of the car heading into the house whenever I return from a trip I always like to come home to my parents.

They are the first people who I like to see my parents are amazing and down to earth despite all this money they still love and care for each other it just strengthens my belief in true love. My parents have been together since they were kids they met at the park and fell in love sure they had their set of obstacles like all love stories but they held on to each other and that's all I want for myself.

I walk into the house and the sweet smell of home hits me I head upstairs to my room our house is really big it has thirteen beds and bath two studies for both my parents a medical wing and a bunch of other rooms that I can't be bothered to name.

I walk into my room and everything is the same this is the one place in my life that remains the same. I walk over to my bed lying down it was a long flight I take out my phone sending Bexs a text telling her know I got home okay.

She decided to stay a while longer with her family but I had to get back for my brother's birthday party our parents are throwing him a massive party as always. I lay texting with Bexs before sleep takes over and I welcome it.

I wake to the feel of sun on my face I turn getting away from it and into a warm chest I open my eyes to see that I am still in my bed and it's morning. I look up to see that my brother is in bed with me his light amber eyes staring down at me.

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