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"You want to become a knight?" Nick looks over to Ben, munching on a piece of broccoli. Nick sits at the head of the table while Ben sits to his left, a lunch prepared laid across the old, oak table between them.

Ben sits straight with his shoulder back. "Ah, yes." He hasn't touched the food in case he does something that might offend the other prince.
"More water please." Nick lifts his cup for Charlie, who has been standing behind the prince's seat with a water jug in his hands, to come and refill it. First taking a sip from the cup, Nick turns his attention back to Ben. "And what makes you think you are good enough to be a knight?" Nick says the question calmly but it comes across as more of a mocking. He watches with a side eye as the colour drains from Ben's face.

"I-" Ben starts then immediately stops. His shoulders slouching as he tries to think of what to say. "...I don't know. My father sent me here to strengthen our family's alliance. So I..." He's looking down at the empty plate in front of him, not seeing the smirk on Nick's face, "guess I could say that I'm good at following orders?" He states rather as a question than an answer. Ben lifts his head hearing the prince chuckle, his face dropping in embarrassment thinking he's said something he shouldn't have.

"Sorry, sorry." Nick waves his hands in front of his face. "You're sitting there looking so serious I couldn't help it." Nick swallows the food in his mouth before continuing. "Obviously, with our family's alliance I would happily take you in as a knight." The prince notices the other's expression growing more nervous. "I can't do it straight anyway— regardless of who you are. Everyone has to go through a one month probation period, and at the end it will be decided. I'm heading down to train after this meal so come along... Now eat! You're starting to make me feel nervous." Nick pushes a plate with a whole chicken on it towards Ben, he'll need the energy if he's going to become a knight— maybe some more meat on his bones as well.

"Thank you." Ben relaxes and starts to plate himself. Nick smiles watching him eat, and the awkwardness disappears.


"You really aren't like your brother." Ben says to the prince as they walk into the training grounds, Charlie following behind. From far away they could hear the clashing of metal, the roaring of voices, and the hissing of arrows into targets. Nick glances at Ben, unsure of what the other means. "I mean... you're just... you're nice, polite."

"Why thank you." Nick scoffs not expecting the compliment, patting Ben on the back as they walk up to some knights. "Guys!" He calls out to gain their attention.

"Benjamin?" One of them looks up from the stand of swords and steps closer.

"Boys, I present to you prince Benjamin Hope. He's wanting to become a knight." Nick presses his hand harder on Ben's back to nudge him forward— letting him introduce himself.

"My father sent me here to be a knight for the Nelson family. Nothing special really?" Ben scratches the back of his neck as he lets out a nervous laugh.

"Don't worry about it. You've got a month to prove it and I'm sure by then you'll be guaranteed a position as a knight. Plus it'll help you bulk up either way. No offence... but you are built more like a dainty princess than a prince, or even a servant." Nick lifts up Ben's arm and his fingers almost wrap all the way around Ben's middle upper arm. "That will be sorted out easily in a week." He drops Ben's arm giving a little pat on the shoulder.

"Thank... you." Ben takes a sharp breath, rolling shoulders having never thought about how those around him are so much larger.

"Anyway, this is Harry— he's a prince like you." Nick gestures to the male who called Ben's name. "Christian, Sai, and Otis. They're son of Lords and some of my best men." Nick smiles, chuffed with his little group. They're are many other knights, but these four are the prince's first choice to go anywhere with.

"Then we better start with seeing what you can do." Harry passes two swords over, one for Ben and the other for Nick to take hold.

"Come on. This will just be light work because we aren't wearing any armour." Nick tilts his head for Ben and the others to follow.

Standing in an open area Nick gets into a stand with his knees bent, elbow slightly out, and sword up at the ready. "Copy me." He tells Ben who quickly does so. "You feel okay? Relax?"

"Yes." Ben hums.

Charlie notices Ben's grip is tight on the handle. "Sword, okay?"

"Just not used to it." Ben swiftly replies.

"A few hours a day will fix that." Nick shows off by spinning the sword in his hand.

"Soon enough you'll be able to pick and carry a beautiful woman easily in one arm." Harry snickers. "You will probably be able to finally pick up a women and not be mistaken as gay"

"Harry!" Nick strands up, squaring his shoulders and looking Harry in the eyes.

"What?" Harry throws his hands in defence.

Nick squats back into his stance. Looking at Ben but talking to Harry. "I hear enough of those jokes when you make 'em about Charlie."

"Look at Charlie. I'd be more surprised if he one day said he had a girlfriend and not a boyfriend- ow!" Lifting a hand to the back of his head, Harry rubs the stop that just earned a wack from Sai.

"Cut it out." Nick interrupts before the two start bickering "Let's get this started because Imogen wants to meet me later."

"Is it a date?" Otis asks, his voice raising in curiosity.

Nick reaches forwards and Ben is quick to parry. "No. She just wants to meet. Nothing more."

"Uh huh." Christian adds. His eyebrows raise as he doesn't believe it.

"I'm sure princess Imogen likes you." Otis nudges Christian's side. The two look at each other, knowing they're thinking the same thing.

"But Nick and princess Tara have known each other for longer." Sai adds. The four on the side line start nodding as they think of which girl the prince will pick.

"Isn't princess Imogen the one you were dancing with last night?" Ben says as Nick knocks the sword out of his hand and onto the grass by Harry's feet.

Harry picks up the sword and hands it back to Ben. "You've got two great princesses to choose from. Who do you think you'll go for?"

"I don't know." Nick goes for Ben again.

"Don't you need to start thinking about it harder? In less than two weeks you have to decide who's to be your bride." Otis mentions how on the prince's 18th birthday he'll have to choose from a selection of women to marry.

Nick groans at the thought. "My brother hasn't married and he's twenty two."

"Yeah, instead he's slept with a bunch of women. If that's what you want to do, go ahead."

"I need to go. You guys keep training." Nick throws the sword into the ground by his side. "Charlie." He calls out his servant's name to follow as they leave the training grounds.

"What if he's fucking his servant instead?" Harry jokes.

"Dumbass." Sai gives Harry another well deserved smack on the head.

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