Meeting Teh Pastas

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"WERE HOME!!!" Toby yelled awaking everyone in the mansion.Masky sighed and layed (Y/N) on the sofa *five minutes later* "OMG she's waking up!" "Shhh Jill" whispered Slendy "Sorry :3" (Y/N) slowely fluttered her eyes open finding a whole bunch of people surrounding her. "Wh-where am I, who a-are you people?" (Y/N) questioned not knowing what the heck is going on. "Welcome child to the Slender Mansion, home of all the Creepypastas" Slendy welcomed. "Whoa,whoa,whoa! Whos the perdy lady sitting in my seat!" Jeff smirked pushing to the front of the crowed. "I-Im (Y/N)" "Well hi there (Y/N) I'm Killer, Jeff the Killer" Jeff smirked and kissed (Y/N)'s hand causing her to blush a light tone of pink. "Ok Jeff thats enough" Slendy said pushing jeff away well Jeff motioned a 'call me' sign over to (Y/N). "Umm why am I here exactly?" (Y/N) asked raising a brow. "Don't you rember? Yesturday you threw a hissy fit in art class cause your art teacher gave you a B on your artwork when you clearly deserved an A+ and you launched at her with a folding knife stabbing her multiple times causing her to bleed to death well your classmates ran for their lives and you jumped out of the window and told your parents you werent feeling well at school and had to come home?" Replied Pinkamena. "H-how do you know about that?" Shiverd (Y/N) "Just a hunch" Pinkamena grinned a wide sharptooth smile "Oh how silly of me not to intruduce myself! Im Pinkamena but you can call me Pinkie for short! And this is my best friend Laughing Jack but you can call him LJ for short!" Pinkamena said well pulling LJ close to her, "Well nice to meet you Pinkie and LJ" (Y/N) giggled. "Hi Im Eyless Jack" a boy wearing a blue mask with goop oosing out the eye sockets skipped over to (Y/N). "Hi there Eyless Jack, wait a minute are you related to Laughing Jack?" (Y/N) questioned the boy, "Na people always think that since we have the same sames but no we are not brothers since Im not a Clown that stalks children" Eyless Jack smired over at LJ, " Hey I don't stalk them, I just watch them from a very close distance behind a nearby bush :P" LJ corrected "Sure LJ...Sure, anyway it's very nice to meet you (Y/N) oh and you can call me EJ for short!" EJ said walking over to the fridge "Nice to meet you too!" (Y/N) yelled over to EJ. Suddenly a little girl wearing a long dirty pink night gown with long curly brown hair rushed through the crowed and tackled (Y/N), "Play With Me!" The little girl demanded with a grin, "This is Sally my little angel" Slendy gestured over to the little girl ontop of (Y/N) "Now Sally (Y/N) can't play right now"Sleny sighed, "No one ever wants to play with me!" The little girl pouted and stomped off to her room, "awww she is so cute!" (Y/N) squiled, "Indeed she is" a voice said from the back of the crowed and moved closer and it was the one, the only... BEN Drowed "Hi, Im Drowned, BEN Drowned" BEN said and kissed (Y/N)'s hand "Hey! You stole my line!" Jeff yelled from the back of the crowed. "You perdy, I like you, Will you be mine?" BEN said and once again kissed (Y/N)'s hand causing her to blush a even darker tone of pink than she had with Jeff did the same. "Well I see you have met the two most purvyest Creepypastas, Jeff and BEN" LJ chuckled, "Ok thats enough chit chat it's getting late, everyone off to your rooms it's ganna be a big day tommorow!" Slendy commanded and everyone left leaving only the proxies, Painter and (Y/N) in the living room. "You five should also be heading to bed, Painter would you kindly let (Y/N) sleep in your room for a couple of nights so we can get everything settled?" Slendy questioned "Sure thing sir" Painter soluted and motioned (Y/N) up the stairs to his room. "You three are excused" Slendy sighed, and with that the proxies along with Slendy headed to their rooms. Painter kindly opened his door letting (Y/N) in his room first, "thank you" (Y/N) smiled "No problem" Painter grinned, "so I didn't quite catch your name?" (Y/N) raised a brow over at Painter, "Oh sorry im Bloody Painter but you can call me painter if you like" "Ok well nice to meet you painter" (Y/N) said well sitting on Painters bed and motioned him to come sit next to her. "So uhhh... were do I sleep if you don't mine me asking?" (Y/N) said in the politest way she could, trying not to sound too 'girl doggy' *I dont like swearing :3* "Oh you can sleep in my bed if you wan't, I'll just sleep in that chair over there" Painter motioned his arm to a wooden chair that was located next to his bed. "You sure?" (Y/N) asked confused "yeah I don't mined :)" "ok haa- well thanks!" (Y/N) yawned, Painter got off the bed and sat down in the chair, "So uhhh (Y/N) umm I found your sketch book in your room your very talen-" Painter was cut off by (Y/N)'s light snores, "Sweet dreams" Painter chuckled and dozed off in the chair.
Hope you guyz liked it! I'm in South Africa so it's curently loadshedding, JOLLY! anyway hope you liked it and want more!
"Gimmie some love"~JumpingDevil

Accidental Love - Bloody Painter x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now