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Tolerance. Acceptance. Remembrance. Those three words existed as the key to balance throughout the universe. Citizens of the planet Syltania worshiped this concept, thriving and prospering. Centuries of peace, content to last an eternity. Then, the outsiders came.

Though only a babe when they'd arrived, Navia heard the story, time and time again. Ten massive ships, created to glide between stars, carried a group of foreigners from a distant planet destined to save their home. A passive nation, Syltania welcomed the outsiders with open arms. A grave mistake.

Once a fertile land, decorated by emerald leaf trees and fields of gold, Syltania decayed. Rivers dried, sapphire waters replaced by bubbling lava, and onyx ash blanketed meadows like snow. The glimmering light of the forest spirits faded. Life faltered. Navia's childhood home vanished, existing only as a forgotten wasteland.

Towers of glistening metal stretched skyward, erected across the world. Chemical plumes climbed, morphing to monstrous shadows exposing jagged teeth, as swirling mechanical equipment drilled into the core, designed to extract Nefelite—a magical, holy substance used primarily for rituals. An enigmatic life source the outsiders desired.

Unfamiliar technology and a humble goal deceived. Ravenous drive persisted to erode the world. Yet, the outsiders continued to dig. Fifteen years elapsed before the council of elders attempted to halt their actions. One by one, they disappeared. Assuming leadership in their absence, the outsiders passed judgment. Syltania was dead. All living creatures required immediate evacuation. Over the last several weeks, hundreds of citizens were whisked away, destined to board the outsiders' starships and disappear into the star-spattered void, including Navia's parents. Now, it was her turn.

A horrendous shrieking emitted, a mauled raven in the throes of death to Navia's ears. The source existed as a triangular piece of metal atop a pole. A mysterious object the outsiders had erected. Her sisters, Merana and Ori, clung to her side. Tiny faces hidden, they twisted the material of the ivory, smoke covered gown adorning Navia's body. A garment which mirrored their own.

"Hush now, little ones," She soothed. "The men from space are going to save us."

Forcing a reassuring smile, she tucked a knotted strand of dingy teal hair behind Ori's delicately pointed ear. Her younger sister sighed, snuggling closer.

Naive trust guided Navia's feet as she followed the outsider before them. At nearly ten feet tall, the stoic spaceman towered over their tiny forms, casting wicked shadows across their bodies. The strange material of his putrid golden bodysuit rippled, a tsunami of waves beneath his movements.

Reaching an iron staircase, they ascended. Each step scorched the bottoms of Navia's bare feet. Fiery pain flooded, causing her to grit her teeth and her sisters to whimper.

"It'll all be over soon, kiddos. Don't worry," the outsider responded, breaking his silence for the first time.

Voice muted behind his gear, the words portrayed a sinister tone. Wrapping her arms around her sisters' shoulders, Navia rubbed her thumbs along their sweaty skin, hoping to instill comfort.

"I wish mommy was here," Ori whispered, body trembling.

"M-m-me too," Merana stammered.

Releasing a sorrowful sigh, Navia squeezed the two girls tighter. "They're safe. And we'll see them soon. I promise."

Stepping onto a grated bridge, she gazed at the starships looming in the distance. Confusion wracked her brain. The path they were on didn't appear to lead in their direction. However, the outsider increased speed, diverting Navia's attention.

Clasping her sisters' hands, she rushed to keep pace. They couldn't be left behind. Their existence relied on this man.

Steam twirled through the grate, seeping between surface cracks far below and creating a thick haze. Sweltering hot and dazed, sweat dripped from Navia's brow. Her lungs burned. Traversing the maze of bridges and stairs, she struggled to see. Vision blurred, her heart pounded.

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