Part 1: Sweet Blood

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CH 1 -Subaru Route

Your P.O.V

Instantly, I was drawn to the temperamental white haired vampire. His eyes were narrowed at me as he walked away. I reach over and grab yui's hand, squeezing it, reassuring her. As we walk to our designated room, Yui gets overly paranoid.

She's looking around left and right, probably sensing eyes on her every move. Even when we get into bed she's looking all around. I sigh and lay my head down for some sleep.

-time skip-

After a while, we're woken up and forced to go to a night school. Yui and I get dressed in our uniforms, and we find ourselves driving to school.

Suddenly, Reiji tosses Yui a juice box. "What is this for..?" She asks, and before he even gets to say anything I snatch it from her. "It's cranberry juice. It's good for your blood. They obviously want to keep you alive for your blood." I enunciate the word 'blood' twice.

I toss the juice back to her and she looks down, her eyes watering. I sigh and look out the window. I know she's crying because of these scary vampires, but what the heck are we going to do about it?

-time skip-

As soon as class started, Ayato dragged off Yui while muttering 'takoyaki'. I wasn't really worried but, I think Reiji won't let her get bitten at school. Subaru is sitting off in the corner looking outside with an annoyed expression.

I sigh, then make my way to him. He notices me and stops resting his head on his hand when he sees me. He looks surprised but goes back to his usual irate expression. I sit down in the seat next to him, and spin around in my chair and face him.

"Hello, Sakamaki-San." I speak in a calm, gentle, and kind tone. Once again, he is surprised but rests his chin in his hand. "Hey-" he stops short, his voice still sounded pissed off, but his eyes shift. "Oh, forgive me, I'm Komori (y/n). Komori Yui is my kid sister." He nods.

"Well do you mind if I call you (y/n)? You can call me Subaru, Sakamaki-San makes me sound like I'm actually related to those fools." He huffs in annoyance. I giggle a little and he turns to me with a small smirk.

My heart pounded when he smirked at me, but I pretend like nothing's out of place. "I don't mind, call me anything you like." I say, after giggling. He nods "Alright then. (y/n) it is."

Subaru continued to be annoyed as fuck. Yet class goes off without a hitch, and Yui had returned unharmed.. except for a bite mark, which I'll punch him for later.

-time skip-

Going to school, protecting Yui, dodging vampires, and chatting with Subaru has become my daily life. Yui is still a little stupid about being around the vampires. One night, Yui was sleeping peacefully next to me.

In my nightgown I wasn't tired so I slipped out of bed and padded down the hallways with cold floors. Suddenly I run into... Kanato. "Teddy, look, the idiot's sister is here. Isn't she much prettier? Teddy~ I wonder.. Does she taste good?"

Oh good lordie. Why did I have to run into the creepy one? "Kanato-kun. Hello, how is your night going?" He smiles creepily at me. 'Oooohh!! I know how this is gonna go...'

Suddenly he leans down and starts kissing me forcefully. Then leans back, a crazed expression of absolute ecstasy. "(y/n) you taste absolutely deliciously sweet." He sinks his fangs into my neck.

I start to see black spots in my vision. He's taking too much blood.. he's going to suck me dry. Is he addicted? The vampires never bothered with me before, maybe I'm really sweet? Ahhhhhh...

" P-please....I.." Suddenly I gasp as the fangs are violently ripped from my neck. I fall into warm arms. "Kanato. Watch it, your going to kill her." I lay limp in the arms of Subaru. I guess he ripped kanato off of me.

"Her blood is much more sweet than that idiot." Kanato's footsteps fade away. "(y/n)... (y/n)..." Subaru's voice is far off, faded, still he sounds super pissed. Like being underwater, trying to listen to someone talk.

And it all faded into black.

-you've fallen unconscious because of blood loss-

I regained my consciousness and felt my head felt warm but my body was cold at the same time. I turned over and was suddenly consumed in someone's scent. Subaru's scent. "So, your awake?" I was surprised.

His voice, it was super duper annoyed.. but took on a worried tone. "Yes... Thank you for saving me." He grunts. "You would've died from blood loss." I sigh, still too drowsy to notice anything going on.

"Yeah.... thanks for...saving me...." I say, my voice fading. Subaru sighs, "Go to sleep (y/n)."

And so I do.

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