Chapter 2-Bid Day

Start from the beginning

The Mayor of Jackalfax came forward with a polished wood box which held the bids. He began to read the bids. I noticed that Morrigan had sat more straight up. I hope she does know that we won't get a bid. I just hope that she doesn't get disappointed once she realises that we are to both die in a year. ""Madam Honora Salvi of the Silklands Ballet Company,'" he read from the front of the first envelope he pulled out, "'wishes to present her bid for Molly Jenkins.'" Boring. Molly seems like a stuck up girl.

Molly Jenkins leapt from her seat, rushing to the stage to curtsy and collect the envelope that contained her bid letter. "Well done, Miss Jenkins. See one of the aides at the back of the hall after the ceremony, dear, and they'll direct you to your interview room." She is stuck up! She was probably one of the ones who bought their bid.

He pulled out another envelope with another big,long and confusing name on it. "'Major Jacob Jackerley of the Poisonwood School of Warfare wishes to present his bid for Michael Salisbury.'" Michael then came up to receive his bid. 

""Mr. Henry Sniggle, owner and proprietor of Sniggle's Snake Emporium, wishes to present his bid for Alice Carter for a herpetology apprenticeship' — dear me, how fascinating!" Omg, he doesn't have to spend five minutes on each bid, that would take ages if he does.

This carried on for about another hour. Each time that a person's name was said and it wasn't Morrigans, she sat down a bit more, get more jealous and deflated by the minute. I hope she knows that she's the one who wanted to do this and was the one who forced me to come and not spend the day with my books.

The novelty of bid day had worn off on her I think. A cheer erupted from the second row when this short and fat thing came up to get his second bid. And of course Lord Mayor had made a much bigger deal out of it. ''Now we have an anonymous bid for-for-for.'' He paused an looked back and forth between the section where Morrigan and I were sitting and the bid. ''For Miss Morrigan Crow, there also seems to be one for Miss Charlotte as well.'' The Lord Mayor says. I look to Morrigan thinking that this must be a mistake. Corvus rose slightly from his seat as to say that this cannot be happening. 

''Girls?'' The Lord Mayor said. Morrigan and I went forward to collect our bids. These must be for someone else. I look across the crowd and see pointing fingers and snarled faces at us. Oh dear, I must of stolen their bid. Oh well they can go shove it up their ass. Morrigan and I were at the Lord Mayor and he handed each of us our envelopes. I look over and there it says Miss Charlotte Crow-Quinn. Hang on, this isn't my last name. ''Well done ladies,take your seat now, and see one of the aides at the back of the hall after the ceremony."

''Gregory-''Corvus says as to warn him. ''It's tradition, Corvus," he whispered. "More than that—it's the law." 

The ceremony continued and Morrigan and I had yet to look inside our envelopes. Corvus kept glancing at our envelopes as though he wishes that they would just combust in our hands. Eight more children had received their bids. ""Mrs. Ardith Asher of the Devereaux Ladies' College'—never heard of it!—'wishes to present her bid for... for..." The Lord Mayor stopped again once he had gotten to the name. WTF continue man. ''Miss Morrigan Crow.'' Morrigan moved speedily across the stage and snatched her envelope out of his hand and ran back to her seat as gracefully as she could.

Minutes later, her name was called out again. This time it was Colonel Van Leeuwenhoek of the Harmon Military Academy, bidding on her. A man shouted out ''But their cursed!Three bids are unheard of!'' He shouted. I must agree with him on that. "Sir, we must continue or we'|l be here all day. If everyone could please be quiet, I'll get to the bottom of this most unusual turn of events after the ceremony." The Lord Mayor says. He then took out the next envelope and sighed. "Jupiter North wishes to present his bid for...' Oh, I don't believe it. 'Miss Crow and Miss Charlotte'' 

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