The Beginning of Cold Story (chapter 1)

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Nobodys pov:


was the first thing the freshly baked cookie was introduced to

it was dark and warm in the oven it was a nice feeling

the freshly baked cookie could be there forever

it closed it's eyes again to enjoy the warmth before feeling something sliding it out of the warm and dark oven

the freshly baked cookie was greeted with the freezing cold causing it to flinch at the new feeling

the young cookie finally opened it's eyes to take a look around the new place

it was dark and cold,the cookie looked out the window and saw so much white stuff falling from the sky

what is that stuff,where am i,what is this place?

the freshly baked cookie heard something so it looked up and saw another cookie

it was much larger than her and it was holding something and walking towards the new cookie

it picked the cookie up and wrapped her in a blanket and began to walk towards somewhere

the freshly baked cookie felt tired and could feel it's eye lids close down as it fell into a deep slumber

3 hours later

the freshly baked cookie opened it's eyes back up to see another cookie standing over them

the cookie was staring at it not taking it's eyes off the cookie before picking it up and put the cookie near it's chest

"welcome to the world dark oreo"

the freshly baked cookie eye's widden a bit,dark oreo was its name she wanted to smile a bit to show she liked it but it couldn't because it had little to no muscle in it's mouth

"its time for you to meet your older brother dark choco cookie"

i have a brother,wait whats even a brother?

dark cacao called for one of the guards to go get the prince,a few mintues later another cookie came they looked like the cookie holding dark oreo

"you called for me father?"

"yes i did son i would like for you to meet your new little sister dark oreo cookie"

dark choco immediately looked at his father's arms and saw a freshly baked cookie in his arm's,she was very tiny and seemed confused and dare he say frightened by her new surrounding's

"may i hold her?"

"of course my son"

dark cacao handed dark oreo to dark choco,the prince held dark oreo very close to his chest,it had seemed to calm the young cookie down at bit but she still looked scared,that was ok she would get use to this place

at that moment a guard entered the room to alert the king about the other ancients coming to meet the new princess

dark cacao handed the princess to one of the maids and told them to get her ready.the maids went into the dressing room while one picked out a dress and accessories,the other maid held and entertained the baby

"how about this dress?"

the first maid held up a black and white dress with some pink to it

"it looks nice now which accessories did you pick?"

the first maid held up a crown with a pink diamond

"it looks wonderful now we gotta hurry the ancients are almost here"

My Little OreoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora