A week later
I was in the great hall and that bitch made her way to my table and tried to talk to me. " hey so uh, you tried to accuse me of what happened in class last week?" She asked. I gave her a death glare and kept on reading. " oh Draco, I know you hear me." She said as she grabbed my hand. " DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME!" I yelled. " oh you can talk !!" She snickered. " GO AWAY BITCH I HAVE NOTHING TO SAY TO YOU!" I yell. " how about I yell or something?" She said. I get up and leave... She follows me.. " WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT!!!" I yelled. " you!!!!" She said. * warning S**** A**** **)
I tied him up and we are in the bathroom and I had him naked.. I cut him.. " let me go bitch!!!" He yelled. '" u are so sexy when u struggle. " I say. I lick his dick.. " stop!!! " he yelled.. * mutio* I muted him.. I cut his ass and I suck his ass and dick.. He screams but no one can hear.. I carve my name in his stomach.. Then I lick the blood.. He passed out.. I hump him and he cum... I wasn't done yet . I cut his hair off and stuck in my v. Then I carve my name on his chest... He bled... I licked it up.. I enjoy it.. Then I drag him to the lake and toss,him in.. *** end of warning***

I was on duty to patrol the castle and I noticed that someone was in the lake and when I got closer I noticed it was my Godson!! I summoned the nurse and a few teachers and we bring him to the hospital wing. Harry was awake and he screamed when he saw Draco.  It took a few teachers to hold him. " IM GONNA KILL THAT FUCKING BITCH!!! IM GOING TO HURT HER FOR WHAT SHE DID!!!! SHE WILL PAY!!!" he yelled..

A month later
I woke up in the hospital wing and I was in some pain. " where's Harry?" I asked. The nurse came over to my bedside. " he's asleep and he's doing fine." She said. A moment later he woke up and asked the nurse if he can see me. " babe I heard what happened and I'm sorry." He said. " its fine sweetheart, I also heard you wanted to hurt her." I say. " I did, but I couldn't do anything. Snape told me that they expelled her." He said smiling. " I just hope our baby is safe and healthy." I say.  Harry looked really sad after I mentioned our baby. " harry what's going on?" I asked sounding worried. " we lost the baby due to the severe burns and I blamed myself for it for a while, but then I realized that we could try again or adopt." He said. " no.. I don't want to try again.. I'm sorry harry this is all my fault and it shouldn't have happened. " I say. " what are you saying?" He asked. " harry for Merlin sake we've been attacked by psycho and nearly killed. We lost our baby and I couldn't be there with you!!!" I cried. " Draco, its not your fault, we can get through this together." He said. " Harry, I can't deal with this anymore!!, I just want to be alone!!!!" I cry. He wheeled himself away from me. My chest started hurting so bad and I started crying. * I hate my life!!* 

To be continued...

Just kidding


A few months later
I just stayed to myself and didn't talk to anyone. I went to class and sat alone. Then I would go to the library and do my homework. Ron walked up to me and sat down. " hey how've you been mate?" He asked. " I'm fine, I'm doing my homework." I respond. " so hogsmeade weekend, you want to go with me and Hermione?" He asked. " I don't want to go, I'm sorry. I have to study for my N.E.W.T.S. " I say. " harry I understand. Maybe another time." He said. Then he left.

I was alone and I didn't want to be bothered with anyone. I just wanted to get my school work done. I had walked to potions and sat alone in the back. " Draco, I'm partnering you up with Mr.Potter for our potion project this week." Snape said. " sir, I want to work alone." I say. " this is a two person project. You will work with him." He said. " I don't want to work with anyone!!! DONT YOU UNDERSTAND IM JUST A FUCKING SCREW UP WHO LOST EVERYTHING!!! I CAN'T.. HURT HIM AGAIN!!!! I LOVE HIM TO MUCH TO DO THAT SO PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!" I didn't even realize that I was crying. '" I'm.. Sorry.. I can't... be here.." I say and I run off to the bathroom. * I'm so stupid*  I heard a voice coming from outside the stall I was in. " Draco, its me professor Snape, we need to talk." He said. " go away!!!" I yelled. " I'm afraid I can't do that, I'll get in trouble with dumbledore now please come out or I'll have to open the door myself." He said. " Are you alone?" I ask. " yes honey I am alone now please come out." He said. I opened the door and I come out. " I'm sorry about what I said in class sir, I'm just trying to protect him from being hurt." I say. " he's actually very upset that you ran off." He said. " he hates me why would he be upset?" I asked. " he loves you Draco, he always will. When you ran off it hurt him." He said. " I love him to, that is why I have to be alone. I can't hurt him anymore. We lost our baby and I don't want to put him through that again." I cry. " he's in the hospital wing by the way." He said. " why ? What happened?" I asked. " he was crying so much and his chest was hurting and he felt his heart break." He said. " he's dying from a broken heart literally?" I asked. " yes Draco, I need you to come with me." He said. " sir why did you call me honey?" I asked. " what do you mean?" He asked. " when I asked if you where alone and you said yes honey I am." I explained. He looked me in the eyes. " because I care about you so much Draco, my son loves you. Plus I'm your Godfather and I love you so much sweetheart." He said as he hugged me. He's never told me this before. " I .. Never knew you loved me." I say. " Of course I do, you're my Godson." He said. " I love you too Uncle Severus". I say. We went to the hospital wing...   Harry was awake and looked pale. " harry I'm so sorry about everything that's happened. I'm such a git, I'm sorry." I say. " its okay, I am glad Severus went and got you." He said. " Wait, you sent my Godfather to look for me?" I asked. " yes he did, even if he didn't I was still going to do it anyway. " he said. " I'm sorry you're dying of a broken heart because of me." I say. " my heart is fine now that you're here." He said smiling. " I don't understand..." I say confused. " I love you Draco and I miss you." He said. " I love you too honey, I love you so much that my whole world went crazy without you." I say. We looked into each others eyes and kissed..

Aww good ending to the chapter...
Lots more to come!!!

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