day two: personality

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With a personality like that, you're never gonna get a date!

I love Mitsuki sorry 'bout this fic


"Clean up after yourself," His mother had said. 

"Fuck you."

And this led to the constant reminder in the household: "With a personality like that, you're never gonna get a date!"

Katsuki hated it.
He knew his mother didn't really mean any harm, but it aggravated him to an extreme extent whenever she brought this up.

It was mostly due to her constant concern for her son's love life, Katsuki knew, but it was super annoying to hear it that way.

"When are you gonna bring someone home?" She whined, (multiple quadrillions of times) and Katsuki wondered when she was going to get a new hobby.

"I don't have time for someone," Katsuki replied, because it felt like something reasonable to say. "I'm going to be number one, I don't have time for someone else to drag me down."

"Right, right. Whenever you do meet someone though, bring them home, okay?"

It was like talking to a wall.


"Kacchan," Deku pleaded. "You should come on Friday. Maybe you'll meet someone there."

"Yeah," Kirishima agreed. "You need to get out more."

Katsuki wondered if his mother had talked to them about getting him a date, because the timing was almost comical. "Last time: no fucking way."

"Please, bro," Kirishima's voice turned whining. "It's just one night. Plus, the day after is a weekend, so you don't have to worry about being hungover!"

"Wait, you're bringing alcohol?" Katsuki couldn't think of a more stupid plan for disaster. "All of the people there are going to be drunken idiots. No way."

"Come on Friday, and we'll leave you alone for the rest of the month," Deku promised.

Katsuki considered this. 


He arrived at the nerd's house five minutes early.
Should I knock?

He considered just walking away, but then remembered the endless pestering that would ensue.

He raised a hand to knock, but the door swung open before he had the chance.
Stupid nerd and his people-sensing radar ability.

It didn't even bother him anymore.

"Kacchan!" Deku's grin is too bright, it's kind of annoying how cheerful he is.

"Nerd," Katsuki replies, nodding.

Deku's smile doesn't drop for an instant as he sweeps Katsuki inside. "You're early- that's fine, though! My friend Todoroki is, too!"

"It's five minutes," Katsuki says, "you must not have a lot of friends." 

Deku doesn't seem at all fazed by this, probably because he knows Katsuki's just bitter he got reeled into this at all. "Come meet Todoroki."

"Todoroki," Katsuki muses, "what a weird name."

"Is it?" The voice that speaks is quiet, as if actually considering Katsuki's words.

"O-oh," Katsuki says, flushing. "Sorry, I just-"

"He doesn't mean anything, he's just angry that Kirishima and I got him to come." Deku explains all of this calmly, while Katsuki is still struggling to get his face to not explode.

Ten TDBK/BKTD ficsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora