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Morning came, and I slowly opened my eyes, only to be blimded by daylight. I blinked a few times to adjust my vision and then began to look around.

My eyes fell upon Elise, sleeping soundly next to me. She looked so beautiful. Like an angel, but Lord knows she's the devil in disguise.

She stirred slightly, moving closer to my body. She placed her head on my chest and returned to her slumber. My heart was beating so loud, I'm surprised she hadn't heard it and woken up.

Then I remebered. It's her birthday. She's 19 now. Holy shit.

I slowly got out of bed, putting on some boxers and checkered pajama pants. I quietly walked downstairs and decided to make her breakfast. Hopefully I don't burn it.

I was half way done when I heard Elise walk in. "Good morning." she yawned and covered her mouth. She was dressed in my shirt from yesterday and her hair was messily tossed into a bun. I didn't mind if she wore my shirts. I liked it when she did.

"Morning." I replied, my voice hoarse. I gave her a smile. "Happy Birthday, by the way."I said and she smiled. I fixed her a plate and put it in front of her.

She smiled bigger. "Thank you for remembering." I nodded and turned back to the stove. "And for not burning my food."

/ elise /

I sat quietly and ate my breakfast, watching Dominic as he cleaned up his mess. I let the scenes of last night play through my mind.


It was dark in his room, the shades drawn as usual. He was never one to let the light in.

"Did I hurt you?" he asked all of a sudden. "I'm sorry if I did, I didn't mean to. I never want to hurt you." He continued to ramble and I laughed a little.

I looked at him through the dark with a smile. "No, no. I'm fine." I said. It was silent again and I thought of all that just happened.

What were we now? Friends? A relationship? Friends with benefits?

"Dom?" I asked quietly, biting my lip. Maybe he was asleep and we wouldn't have to talk about it. Sadly, he answered.

"Yeah?" His voice was soft for once, tender and kind. He messed with my hair silently and waited for my answer.

"What are we now? Cause we're friends, but we just had sex. So.. friends with benefits I guess?" I asked, the words sounding weird slipping from my tongue.

"We're whatever you want us to be." he said and leaned down, planting a small kiss on my forehead.

"Let's just take it slow." I said, not hesitating at all.

"Then that's what we will do. Because a girl like you is worth waiting for."

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