Chapter Two: Fly Over the Pacific

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November 9th, 2056. Pacific Ocean, closes to Japan.

Cara "We're finally here, bro. Ya know, those terrible storms on the ocean, we're forced to stay at Hawaii in a few days. As we go, there's the hurricane on our plane. We could have spent 8 hours fly to Asia."

Chris "Global warming changed our whole lives, Cara. That's not something we can change. Finally, is there 'Tokyo II' on the ocean?"

Cara "Sadly, nope. No 'Tokyo II', and there's no floating islands on the little Japan. Everything on it is: Ruin."


Ruins of Tokyo, Japan.

The twins just flew over the former metropolis, watching the flooded the city.

Chris "There's flooded."

Cara "Yap. It was a beautiful city, before the tsunami. (Looks at Chris) Before the damaged society."

Chris "Then what shall we do, sis? Sharing at the beautiful sight?"

Cara "Please let me speak all the words. A document is held by an American soldier on the warship, then the warship is missing."

Chris "I don't understand."

Cara "The document, is something about a secret plan. They're going to kidnap some veterans, and they like to get some younger. If we don't stop them, those criminals will capture us, and our whole family. We're being forced to set invasions."

Chris "So that's why you brought me there. At least face it much better than being caught. (Looks at the map) We found it."

Cara (Points at the ruin) "There."

The twins are heading to the collapsed wreckage of Tokyo Skytree.

Cara "Almost touch the sea. Listen, Chris. We have a few minutes. Stay here, until I come back."

The jet floats above the sea. After Chris counts down, Cara jumps into the sea and swims underwater.

Soon, Cara finds out something she gets, a Zumwalt-class destroyer's wreckage under the collapsed Skytree.

Cara "I guess I found the ship. The Nancy Pelosi, DDG-1013. I'm gonna get into this room, the document we have."


Later, Cara swims out the water, and backs to the ICON jet.

Chris "Luckily, we launched the invisible mode, Cara. They didn't find us."

Cara "You did very well. There's no floating cities, the residual power maybe hiding in this ruin. We can go now, Chris. Next stop, Macau II."

Chris "No Hong Kong II?"

Cara "No, Hong Kong is now the ruin, like Tokyo. And no one wants fly to Hong Kong."

Chris "I thought that city is famous enough to have a floating city."

Cara "I wished there would have somewhere like this. But the only thing we know is. Macau II is now the center of this region after Hong Kong gets destroyed by tsunami."

Chris "But sadly, now we're going to say 'good evening', because it's really evening."

Cara "We're just few days in the jet, not so long. Let's go."

They finally leave Tokyo, and fly above the sea again.


November 10th, 2056. Pacific Ocean, closes to Manila, Philippines.

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