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The young girl sat on her haunches, in the middle of a frosty forest. The trees lingering with ice, the white snow blanketing the ground beautifully. But the young girl paid no mind to the icy wind breezing through the trees, she paid no mind instead her only focus was on the young deer before her nudging it's nose at the ground in search of green..

For a moment she closed her eyes as everything around her fell away, the cold, winterfell , in that very moment it was only her, a wolf stalking its prey, a lone wolf she mused.Maybe she was at this very moment.

When her green eyes opened once more she notched her bow, drawing the string almost silently back with expert grace. Her arm no longer strained under weight, instead it felt like an extension of her. Alyssa inhaled  deep breath— the breath was released the same moment she let her arrow fly, the red feather attached flew true.

Striking her prey right in the neck, the deer only felt death looming for a moment before it fell to ground, dying the white snow a crimson red.

"Rhaella" she called within seconds the direwolf appeared, golden eyes peering into her own.

"Let's bring this back yeah?" She stared into the intelligent beasts eyes, there was barely hesitation when the wolf bounded over to the now dead deer.

"Come our family awaits."


"Thank the gods father decided to refuse the kings match" she muttered falling back onto her warm bed, as her direwolf snuggled into her. Rhaella grew much quicker than her siblings, her father would say that it was because the wolf spent so much time in the woods with its owner, of course she'd correct him and say Rhaella was her partner , never owner. She did not own the wolf, they shared an undeniable connection, one she supposed made absolute sense considering how well she got on with another pack of wolves in the woods.

Robb chuckled at his sisters antics "Of course. He knows you favor women" she opened her mouth to retort but her twin continued with a gentle smile "Don't think I don't see the maid give you shy smiles, there's much more to it sister , it doesn't matter regardless."

Alyssa frowned not at her brothers words but she believed she was rather careful with her entanglements, she was of 16 years of age, would be 17 soon.

Her parents never cared about her different situation instead they loved her all more, showed her love and showered her in it. Her mother a staunch believer in the seven would often tell her the gods made her as she was and she would never dispute it. Her father would silently say that she was indeed his favorite child.. she believed it was because everyone believed her the second coming of Lyanna Stark the beauty , the wild wolf that found herself spirited away by the charming prince. Of course that sparked the rebellion that ended a dynasty, a dynasty that to her was not all bad.

Realizing she had yet to respond to her beloved brother "Regardless of my preferences brother, I would hardly be satisfied being married to that boy, his pretentious, cruel and vicious. The eyes of a madman." She spat, her encounters with the young stag who looked more lion than stag was less than pleasant, he must've not heard about the cock laying between her legs, the northerners barely batted an eyelash, instead found themselves eerily excited for some odd reason.

Robb sat on the small space that wasn't taken by his favorite sister and her wolf. He patted her thigh "Yes.. but was it not you that once told me madness and greatness cannot be without the other?"

The huntress and the Dragon QueenWhere stories live. Discover now