Chapter Two ~ TJ

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She's near, I can feel her, just like I could always do whenever Anaya-Mae Casey was near, her soul always called to mine.

I bet you're thinking what the fuck are you doing with Jess in your arms then when you're talking about Anaya like that?

Well? I'll tell ya...

I'm a shit bag. Anaya is my best friend, my BFF, whatever you wanna call it, she's that for me. I can't risk losing her if I admit my true feelings for her—which is that I am head over heels, deeply in love with her and she doesn't feel the same—not to mention she's moving to Oxford.

"What's wrong?" Jess whines.

A rush of irritation goes through me hearing her whine, but a man has needs so—

"Nothing, babe" I croon. "Why don't you wait here and I'll go get us a drink" I tell her and leave her on the door step not waiting for a reply before shutting the door in her face.

I sigh heavily as I walk into my aunt and uncle's kitchen getting a drink for me and Jess. Looking in the fridge, I reach for a two bottles of corona. "So you're just gonna let her go then without telling her how you feel?" My mum says appearing at my side.

I freeze, not only because she put the shits up me but also because of what she's just said.

She knows?

"Put the shits up me then, Ma!" I chuckle avoiding her question as I open the bottles of corona.

"Boy, don't you ignore you mother" she hisses.

I wince putting the bottles down before turning to face her. "What are you talking about mum?" I ask her.

"Don't pull that shit with me, Theo James Berkeley. You know better than to lie to me" she growls. "Now when are you going to tell nay-nay how you feel?" she asks impatiently.

"What do you mean, how I feel?" I ask her. "I'm with Jess, I don't have any feelings for nay-nay, she's like a sister to me" I tell her the lie tasting bitter on my tongue.

My mum looks at me with a look of disappointment shaking her head. "You might be able to lie to yourself, baby boy," she growls. "But you cannot lie to me." she hisses.

"I told you—" I go to say before she cuts me off once again.

"She goes to Oxford in two weeks—so pull your head out of your arse and tell her how you feel, you never know she probably feels the same for you but she's too scared to admit her feelings—do it before it's too late" she tells me before leaving me with my thoughts.

Would she feel the same way as I do for her?!

"Babe" I hear Jess whine through the letterbox.


Suddenly the door opens and I freeze before hearing my mums voice. "Hey, sorry Jess—TJ isn't feeling very well so he's resting upstairs"

"Oh, I can go keep him company" Jess suggests with a tone that would suggest that she doesn't just wanna keep me company.

"That's not necessary, hun" my mum says coolly. "We wouldn't want you to catch anything if he's got a bug—why don't you run on home and I'll tell him to call you once he's feeling better—okay, buh-bye now" she coos before shutting the door in Jess's no doubt stunned face.

I chuckle under my breath hearing my ma singing bye bye bye.

Mum has never liked Jessica and when we started seeing each other she kept her distance from her, dad thought it was funny as fuck. It's not funny when you're having to pretend that your mother has allergies to your girlfriends perfume.

Where do you say I got that idea from? My mum told me to tell her that. Why go along with the idea? Again, cos I'm a prick with needs and Jess never left me alone in all the years throughout school both primary and secondary she tried bullying nay-nay a good few times because she was jealous of our friendship. I got that shit locked down tight though, not that my girl needed the help—nah, Anaya can hold her own.

Speaking of Anaya, I go in search of her going up the stairs to her bedroom I'm about to knock on her door when I hear her moaning.

"Oh, TJ feel my fake tits" she whines just like Jessica's voice. "Kiss my rubber dingy lips" she adds making me chuckle when suddenly the door opens and Anaya is stood there wide eyed in shock.

"How long have you been standing there?" She asks me.

"Fake tits?" I muse.

"Fuck, I'm sorry I didn't mean to insult your girlfriend" she tells me.

"You didn't?" I ask not believing her.

"Well, I did but I didn't mean for you to hear me insulting her" she chuckles.

I stare at her gorgeous face as she laughs and she realises that I'm just staring at her. "So, where is she?" She asks me as she nervously tucks a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"Why are you nervous, nay-nay? It's not like I've not been in your room before?!" I tell her.

"Been a long time" she tells me.

"True" I tell her. "I've been preoccupied"

She snorts. "Okay"

"Are you excited to go to Oxford?" I ask her.

"Why are you asking? You didn't seem arsed before?" she snips.

"I'm happy for you, babe" I tell her.

"Don't call me babe, you know I hate that" she hisses.

I flinch knowing she's right, though it's all I ever call Jess so it's the slip of a tongue.

"I'm happy for you nay-nay—truly" I tell her.

"Thanks" she smiles at me but there is a sadness in her eyes.

"I'm surprised you're not planning your trip already" I chuckle knowing his organised she is.

"I was just gonna start but I got preoccupied" she tells me.

"By insulting my girlfriend" I chuckle but she doesn't laugh with me there's that sadness there again and I think to what my mum said maybe she does have feelings for me.

"Anaya" I go to say but I'm interrupted by aiden knocking on the door.

"There you are" he growls. "Your girl is knocking on the door for you again"

"Didn't mum tell her to go home?" I think out loud.

"Seems like she didn't get the message" Anaya says to me. "Better go deal with her before she starts being jess and ruins my party"

"Bro" Aiden says before I can say anything else to Anaya. "Better hurry before me ma starts" he chuckles.

"Okay" I say. "I just wanted to say that I'm happy for you Anaya"

"Thanks" she smiles sadly. "Shut the door on your way out, please"

Aiden shuts the door before I can get a word in and looks to me. "You need to end things with Jess if you feel anything for my sister, TJ" he tells me and walks away.

Everyone sees what I feel for Anaya, why doesn't she?

To Be Continued....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2023 ⏰

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