chapter 12

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•°•°My reflection in your eyes

I hope it's always like the day we met, yeah-hey

Like a flame that burns silently

Kiss me like it's the last time, yeah-hey°•°•


Author's pov. 

Lia faced him completely and spoke" It shouldn't Matter you Dylan where I'm taking her because she is an adult not a kid who is kept under your guardianship and you have to look after her so in short Its. None. Of. Your. Business "

Dylan was about to say something but Anton stopped him. 

Soon both of them were out of the mansions while Dylan kept looking at their retreating figure. 

Lia looked at hazel who was silently eating her icecream.

 After getting out of the hell hole lia brought hazel to an ice cream shop to celebrate the little victory hazel had after she played piano infront of so many people. 

that too after soo many years but everything got ruined when she went to dylan's house and saw the scene infront of her.

lia was still lost in her thoughts when hazel spoke "lia"

"hmm?" lia hummed in a daze not aware of the question hazel was gonna ask her next. 

Hazel faced up from the icecream bowl and looked to her front where aparently lia was sittling "am I really a damaged thing which is nothing but a burden"

Lia froze as soon as she heard hazel’s words about herself but soon anger surged through her body and without thinking twice she smacked hazel on the right cheek.

Hazel went numb the second lia smacked her. She couldn’t belive her best friend her soul sister just slapped her. 

Large tears pooled her eyes as her lower lip trembled. Lia held hazel’s hand and dragged her out of the shop and made her sit in the car.all the while hazel was crying silently. 

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