I'll catch you if you fall

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"How long has she been up there?" You asked Natasha, who was going through a couple of files.

Natasha glanced at the clock and then back at you. "It's been a  while. You should check on her." Natasha suggested, as she filled out  the report.

Over the past couple of weeks, you had gotten closer to Wanda and you always got worried when she got into this mood.

You stood from the couch and headed towards Wanda's room, your  footsteps echoed in the empty hallway. You stopped in front of Wanda's  room before knocking.

"Go away." came Wanda's quick response.

"Wanda, it's me." You said, leaning against the door. You listened for any sound of movement from the other side.

The door slowly cracked open to reveal Wanda's bloodshot eyes. You  gave her a small smile, hoping to cheer her up but the frown remained on  her face. She stepped aside to let you in and closed the door behind  you. It was dark in Wanda's room, she had the blinds covering the window  and the light was turned off.

You sighed, as you sat next to  Wanda wrapping your arm around her. Tears slid down her face and onto  your shoulders. "I miss him,y/n."

"I know you do." You said, gently rubbing her back. You never really knew how to cheer someone up but you could always try.

"I don't know what to do without him." She said, as she pulled away  from you. It was obvious how much Wanda loved her brother and how much  she missed him.

"I lost someone important to me once." You said to her, and she looked up at you. Maybe your own experience will help her.


"When I was sixteen years old, my younger sister had gotten run over.  It was a hit and run so we didn't find out till morning." You told her,  Wanda watched as you poured your heart out to her. "She could have been  saved if someone had found her sooner. She died alone with no one there  for her."

"I'm sorry." Wanda whispered, and you nodded, you  could finally mention your sister without shedding a tear. You had moved  on.

"The point is that I moved on. I still miss her even  today, but I can't spend my whole life dreading over it. It takes time  to heal, but I know you can do it." You told her, Wanda paid attention  to your words and they kept replaying in her head. How could she move on from this?

You took Wanda's hand and placed it on top of her heart. "Feel that?"  You whispered. "It means you're still alive. You're here and you can do  so much. Times are tough right now but I know things can get better.  You'll be happy again."

Wanda nodded, "I can be happy again." She whispered.

You smiled at her, and nodded. "I'll be right here to catch you if you fall. I'll always be here."

Wanda looked down at your and her intertwined hands and smiled  slightly. She held your hand close as she leaned towards you, giving you  a small kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, y/n."

One Shots - Wanda Maximoff Where stories live. Discover now