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Phoebe found a nice and cozy cafe nearby the apartment she lived at and has started going to it ever since she found it when she and her parents took a tour around the town

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Phoebe found a nice and cozy cafe nearby the apartment she lived at and has started going to it ever since she found it when she and her parents took a tour around the town. Phoebe didn't always live in Philadelphia. She grew up in New York City where her parents still live there. She moved to Philadelphia only because she had got accepted to her dream college, Pennbrook. 

One day when Phoebe went to that cafe, it course had to be the day she forgot her wallet. She was in a rush that day since she had a job interview. It seemed like everything was going wrong for her that day. Her alarm didn't go off to what she set it to, she had burnt the toast she made, she was stuck in traffic on the way to the coffee shop, and she had to wait in a long line.

Then something amazing happened that brightened up Phoebe's day. The most handsome guy Phoebe has ever saw offered to buy her coffee. Phoebe couldn't get his name and only had time to thank him since she was running late to her job interview. Phoebe only hoped that she would see the kind stranger again and preferably soon. 


Phoebe did great with that interview and now she has a new job which is working at a music store that sells records. She was currently sitting on the couch in the living room of her shared apartment, painting her fingernails a lavender color. Her roommate, Juliana (who preferred to go by Julie), sat at the opposite side of the couch and was painting her fingernails a red color. They were comfortable with being silent with each other, the only noise in the apartment was the music playing from the record on the record player that's set up by the tv stand.

"Hey," Julie speaks up. As she paints her fingernails a light pink color, she glances at the brunette-haired girl sitting at the other end of the couch. "Did you know that we got new neighbors?" 

Phoebe glances at her with curiosity. "Really? Do you know who?"

"Three cute boys." Julie smiles. "I didn't meet them yet, but I saw them move in the other day." She points at Phoebe with the nail polish brush she held and a stern expression forms on her face. "I call dibs on the tall one."

Phoebe chuckles, shaking her head. "You can't call dibs on someone you didn't meet. And you shouldn't call dibs no matter what. That's not right." 

Julie rolls her eyes, shaking her head. "Fine, whatever." She goes back to painting her nails, grumbling, "I'm still gonna try to date him though. He's super cute."

Phoebe laughs, shaking her head. "Okay, sure." She smiled slightly, turning her attention back to painting her nails. She honestly hoped that one of the boys moving next door consisted of the boy she met at the Skylight Cafe. 


The next day Phoebe decided she and Julie should introduce themselves to their next door neighbors. So that's why they were currently standing in front of the door to their next door neighbor's apartment. Phoebe and Julie had a whisper argument about who should be the one to knock on the door and talk first since they both were shy when meeting new people although Julie was the more outgoing one of the duo.

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