chapter 1

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             Have you ever heard of the lost kids? The lost kids are unwanted orphans that are brought out to sea and then dunked into the water until they drown. The sea is blood-red by the little children who are killed in the dark sea, and the dead bodies that nobody has found yet. They say they turn into angels, others say there is a fallen angel that will come down and punish the orphan- killers, I guess this is where our story begins... one summer morning, Annabelle woke up with a sudden startle, like she had seen a ghost... She went downstairs to find her parents signing some odd papers that to her view, spelled 'EGANAHPRO'. She didn't seem to find it interesting, so she decided to start eating breakfast. "Honey," said mom trying not to cry "we're are going to *gulp* a f-fun place." Annabelle looked at mom with a wave of anxiety and thought "maybe those papers were important." She saw her dad grab his kitchen knife. Dad signals mom to the other room. Annabelle quietly follows to hear what's happening. "we have to send her to the orphanage," dad said, "I know but all the government said-" "the government said to kill her, Nancy!" "I know, Charles! I would just like it if we killed her! You know, so we can bury her body." Annabelle went back to clean her plate and that's when she saw it. The bleeding heart. A symbol that shows that someone is going to die. She fell to the ground crying her heart out. She went upstairs into her bedroom, put all her stuff in a lock-box, buried her stuff in the backyard, found a tombstone her parents were going to use, put the tombstone down, and cried once more. She got out of her pajamas and put on her day clothes. She went downstairs and told her parents "I'm ready."

Hi! Sorry this one was so short! This is the first story I've written on Wattpad so I'm stupid. Anyway, thank you for reading, and goodbye!  


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