Eventually he learned how to fight back and he snapped at anyone who had ever bullied or hurt him and his sister. And once he felt he had returned the favor that was the end of it he was never violent again. This happened his first year of highschool. He learned something around then, He could fight to protect what he loved and cared for. He could be a defender. He continually got stronger from that epiphany and never had any problems after. There were a few fights he got into because of his big mouth but they were always self defense since he never threw the first hit....

Fast forward a while as an adult now, his sister has a stable life and his father had been laid to rest. He now works hard for his mother. Sadly Mitzuki lost his father in a gang war when he was about 17. His dad was playing a double agent and when siding with one gang the other engaged and it became war. His dad was gunned down in the fight. He swore after he found out to never get involved in that world again and if he was he would be a vigilante. When his mother fell ill and he fell upon hard times and his job didn't provide him enough money he did have to turn to being a vigilante for extra money. He would pick up hits and get paid for them. He also jumped back into the information dealing realm. He did whatever to save his mom and make sure she could get treatment. He would become known as a shadowy killer but avoided being gang affiliated at all costs...He hated gangs and now knowing what Fayett had become and how she was wanted to be with any of the major gangs he wondered where the girl he used to know went. He hated what she had become, but knew at the same time if anyone ever wanted her gone he wouldn't be able to do it himself

"Tch your kind of annoying you know- You and that attitude wouldn't kill ya to smile"


If it wasn't obvious Mitzuki is an extrovert. He loves meeting New people and getting to know them. He's also what most would call a mamas boy. He loves both of his parents but definetly took to his mom the most. He's kind caring and above else where it matters protective. He wants nothing but the best for those around him. He doesn't have any mental disorders and was basically a really fortunate person. As a very sweet boy he was known for his volunteering nature. He wasn't combative, cold it distant. You could call him a ray of sunshine as he was young.

As an adult he's basically the same but he will always have a bitter side towards gangs. He even hates that he let himself turn to being a vigilante but it's all he knew to help out. As an adult he is still just as helpful towards everyone as when he was younger. He's also still got a big mouth and is known for being loud and outspoken and a little cocky

Now playing- Måneskin- I Wanna Be Your Slave slowed version

"Nah your just mad because I get more looks than you. P.S it's because of my personality not my face, that just helps"


As a young boy he had a bit of a longer hair cut than others keeping the top long and doing a shaved undercut. His hair is jet black and he didn't really mess with with dyes much as a young boy. He was always just a little taller than his peers but not some much that he stood out. He has paler skin and blue lazy eyes and freckles that cover across his nose and spread out a bit across his cheek bones and a beauty mark underneath his left eye at the top of his cheek bone.

About middle school he got taller and his frame developed more and he wasn't really a stick but he also wasn't very strong. By about his second year his started to dye his hair a bit and his color of choice was a darker teal throughout his black hair. He didn't let it get much longer but would let it get to the point where he could pull it back with a hair tie if he so chose and kept the undercut as well. In middle school from one of the fights he was in he gained a scar through his eyebrow from one of the students rings. Now his freckles would be more pronounce but at a bit of a cute charm to his more defined face.

Adult Appearance :

As an adult he would be a gentle beauty. He's the kind that has soft yet defined features his freckles being the main thing that makes people do a double take which draws them to his now more blue lazy eyes and the beauty mark that never left his face. His hair he now kept much shorter and kept his same undercut and he still did the same dye that he had found in middle school only in addition to the teal were highlights and slight tones of a mid brown dye. In addition to the many scars he had gained from fights now he would cover some with tattoos but the more noticable ones would be the one on his neck starting below his ear which said Resilient, on the back of his neck he has two katanas crossing in an X and below them a kunai knife. On the right side of his chest he has the scene of a blood moon rising above a lake, he has a ying and yang symbol on the back of his left hand and lastly the one that takes up the most space is a winding pattern of two snakes one black and one white the wrap around a singular rose that starts on his right side at his hip and wraps around onto his back where both the rose and heads of the snake are. He wasn't the kind for piercings but he has one and that's an eyebrow piercing which is where the scar through his eyebrow was. Due to the work he eventually took up of being an vigilante he has obviously become much stronger than he used to be and build much stronger. His looks can be decieving since few of his tattoos are visible and he has very soft facial features and doesn't wear street wear he keeps it very simple and opts for T-shirts and sweaters, occasionally ripped jeans put for the most part wears sweats unless he has to be dressed up which is how he's dressed basically all his life

"I hope they all burn eventually and maybe I can leave this...I hate that this is what I've become...I'm sorry mother-"

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