'Have you heard anything about Cheryl?'

'Not yet,' Toni said finally speaking, 'they won't tell me anything because I'm not family'.

'Okay. I'll be right back'.

Archie gave Toni a hug before sitting down next to Abigail who surprisingly offered him a small smile.

Toni was looking blankly at the vending machine when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

She turned to see Betty stood with a doctor.

'Toni this is Doctor Harris. Doctor Harris this is Toni Topaz, Cheryl's partner,' Betty said giving Toni a look so she knew to go along with it.

'Ms Topaz sorry for the confusion. If you'd like to follow me we can talk in private'.

Toni gave Betty a grateful look before following the doctor to his office.

'Please take a seat,' Doctor Harris said as he shut the door.

'Agent Cooper informed me of your relationship with Ms Blossom so again I apologise for the confusion'.

'How is she doctor?' Toni asked, it was all she cared about.

'She's stable'.

Toni let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding in.

'The knife pierced Ms Blossoms liver but we managed to get out the knife and stop the bleeding. A blood transfusion was needed and the next few days will be vital to her recovery. Usually this incident would be reported to the police department but Agent Cooper said she is taking care of it, is that correct?'

'Yes,' Toni nodded, 'can I see her?'

'Of course,' the doctor said standing up, 'although she hasn't regained consciousness yet'.

Toni followed him out of the office and down the hallway before they stopped outside of the door.

The doctor opened it, he waited for Toni to step in before closing it behind her.

'Oh my god,' Toni whispered to herself as she looked at Cheryl laying in the hospital bed.

There were wires connecting the redhead to the machines obviously monitoring her.

Toni hesitated before taking a seat next to Cheryl's bed and reaching out for her hand.

She was going to sit and wait for Cheryl to wake up, no matter how long it took.


'Hey,' Toni heard as the door opened the next morning, 'I've brought someone to cheer you up'.

Toni turned to see Tabitha pushing in a stroller.

'How are you?' Tabitha asked, 'how is she?'

Toni just shrugged as Tabitha sat in the chair next to her.

The brunette smiled at her baby who was sound asleep, 'how has he been?'

I Can See Straight Through You | CHONI |Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt