Scene 3

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Have I mentioned I'm sick of Adrian's power plays? He's only one rung above me at our firm, but he milks it for all it's worth. Like taking me aside for a word in private. What a douchey move. Does he think he can intimidate me into doing what he wants? If so, he's sorely mistaken. I'm not the kind of person who responds well to threats.

Adrian closes his office door behind us and crosses to sit at his desk, as if to emphasize the difference in our positions. While my office is nice enough, his is large and lavish, with expensive furnishings he probably bought to make himself seem more important. As big as Jase Rawlins's ego is, Adrian could equal him. Maybe. I recall how Jase appraised me, and the way my body responded, liking his attention. Craving it. Shit, I have bad taste in men.

"I don't want to represent him," I tell Adrian, as if he hasn't already figured this out. "He's a dirtbag."

"He hasn't been charged," Adrian reminds me, scribbling on a piece of card, as though he doesn't care about me in the slightest. I know better. He doesn't want to let on how critical this job is.

I snort. "As if there's any doubt." These guys are always guilty of the things they're accused of. Whether they're held accountable in a court of law is another story. By the time I'm finished with them, they usually walk away free and clear, with all the public adoration their heart desires.

Have I mentioned I hate my job?

Well, not my job, per se, but the clients Adrian assigns to me. I want better people. Ones who are trying to make a difference. Good people in bad circumstances. But apparently, that's not where my strengths lie. I've had this discussion with him more times than I can count.

Finally, he looks up. "Tell you what, Lena, you dig Jase out of this hole and you can choose who you take on next. What do you say?"

I gape, my mouth opening and closing like a goldfish before I snap it shut. He must be lying. He'd never let me do that... would he? This gig is clearly important to him. Maybe important enough to sacrifice his leverage over me.

"Are you serious?"

"One hundred percent."

I'm tempted. God, it's all I've been asking for since I started here. But will Adrian keep his word? Does it even matter? We both know he can order me to work with Jase Rawlins and fire me if I refuse.

My jaw tightens. "I'm going to hold you to that."

"Good." He twists his pen, and light glints off gold. "Then go back and make things better with him. I expect to hear a report later today."

"You're not coming?"

He smirks. "I trust you can handle it, but you might have some ground to make up."

Tell me about it.

Departing his office, I trek down the hall. A moment later, I'm standing in front of the reprehensible Jase Rawlins, about to eat crow.

"I'll work with you," I tell him.

A slow, cocky smile splits his face, and he raises a broad shoulder, then drops it. "I'm having second thoughts."

"You... what?" He's playing with me. He must be. If he didn't want to work with me, he'd have left by now.

His expression is pure smugness. He's enjoying this. "I prefer my employees to be more excited to work for me."

"Jase..." Nick cautions.

Jase doesn't respond. I grit my teeth and don't point out that I'm neither his employee, nor a prospective employee. He's a prospective client. I'm not his subordinate in any way, shape or form, nor will I ever be. But Jase is the ticket to the job of my heart, and if he wants me to kneel and worship at his altar, so be it.

I imbue my next words with as much sincerity as I can muster. "You're mistaken."

He smiles at me like an eager kid who just pulled a prank and can't wait to see what happens next.

"There's nothing I'd like better than to work with you." I can't bring myself to say "work for you." I just can't. "Will you give me a chance?"

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