Chapter 5

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Pepper, "You two know each other?"

Y/n, "No!"

Steve and Bucky, "Yes!"

Y/n inhaled deeply, "Well Mr. Stark it was good to meet you but I have to go back I am some things to take care of"

Wanda, "Um is James Kent your son?"

Y/n smiled, "You must be the girl he met. Hello there sweetie I am his mother. He won't shut up about you. Well until next time Wanda"

Y/n left without sparing a second glance when she saw Yelena looking at her up and down.

Yelena, "Oh you are some kind of fine fiery woman"

Wanda, "Um Yelena she has kids our age"

Yelena, "Oh sorry mam I didn't know"

Y/n, nodded and left.

She heard faint yells from behind but paid no mind to them got into the car and drove off. Y/n was crying she was drinking while drinking and crying. She was banging on the steering wheel feeling disgusted. They were alive enjoying their lives while she struggled to keep her kids alive!!.

Y/n came home drunk. She just lost everything all over again. She went to her room locked her door and broke everything furniture crying and screaming all the pain out. She took another bottle of alcohol and started drinking.

She turned the tv on and the song Rumor has it By Adele and started dancing, smoking and drinking until she couldn't take it anymore and collapsed on the floor.
At the compound

Steve and Bucky were pacing back and forth. Tony, "Why didn't you tell me that she was your wife. I would have stopped her"

Steve, "Tony we saw her again for the firat time in 70 years what did you thought would happen"

Bucky, "We need to find her. Tony help us"

Tony was trying to hack into your phone but couldn't.
In the morning

Y/n woke up with a banging headache. She looked around and saw the mess she created in her room. She remembered last night events.

She took her phone and saw 16 missed calls from Damon.

10 messages from Bonnie and voicemails  from other ScoobyDoo members.

Bonnie's message, "Y/n where are you call me Klaus cheated on Sarah with Haley she hastily left with call me after you find her"

Y/n's blood ran cold. She was seeing everything red. Yes her sweet daughter dated that hybrid but reading this is sending her killing vibes.

She quickly called Katherine to make sure what she read was true cause if it was then Klaus and that whore was dead.

Katherine, "Ree I was trying to reach out to you"

Y/n, "Katherine tell me the truth"

Katherine, "It's true he cheated on her and left the next day without any explanation"

Y/n, "Where is Kol?"

Katherine, "He is with Sarah they will be reaching New York in few minutes. Ree keep your calm your daughter needs you the most now not a monster call me after everything settles"

Y/n sighed, "Will do thanks Kath"

Y/n got up took a hangover pill got dressed and went downstairs to see her Son and daughter clenching their fists or jaws.

James, "Mom I will kill that son of a bitch!!"

Malory, "Count me in!!"

Y/n, "Children pls right now your sister needs us and her best friend kol so don't argue now let them come back"  

Y/n heard the front door open and saw Kol. He nodded at her. Sarah came behind crying a whole mess.

Y/n softly called, "Baby? Baby mommy is here come to mommy baby pls"

Sarah ran towards her Mom and hugged her tightly. Crying and screaming.

James and Malory hugged Kol. Kol was like a brother to James and Malory and a best friend to Sarah.

At the compound

Tony just broke the firewalls of Y/n's phone found her location to where she was. He gave them the location.

Steve, "Let's go"

At Y/n's home

Sarah, "Mom!! Why! Why me!?"

Y/n, "Hush my love you did nothing wrong he was the one who is wrong not you. You are a Rogers Kent. You are my daughter. Your are the daughter of Steve Rogers. You are not wrong. He was not right for you"

Sarah, "Mom I want dad. Mom pls I just want to see dad once!! Pls! Pls!! Pls!!"

Y/n was shocked, "Ok! Ok! Calm down I will bring him here baby. Not only him all of them. Bucky and Steve both ok how does that sound?"

Sarah sniffled, "Ok I love you mom.."
Sarah mumbled a bit finally fell asleep.

Y/n looked over kol.

Y/n, "Could you stay with her I need to take some advice from someone"

Kol nodded.

Y/n, "Kol thank you for coming into her life"

Kol, "Of course Y/n she is my best friend and you the family I always wished to have thank you so much"

Y/n smiled and left. She saw her other two kids she needed to tell them the truth.

Y/n, "Kids I will get straight to the point. Your fathers are alive"

James. "What?"

Y/n, "I found out yesterday and saw them with my own eyes. Honestly speaking they didn't know we existed. Do you want to meet them?"

They nodded crying.

Y/n went to her room called a certain someone

Clark, "Hello there daughter"

Yes Y/n called her dad clark kent.

Y/n, "Dad the triplets fathers are alive and....

Afyer explaining everything the other line was silent.

Clark, "Tell them everything let them meet the kids. I know it is hard but they deserve it. Do it Y/n not for you but for the sake of the children."

Y/n nodded she needed to make one last call.

Bonnie, "Hey Y/n how is Sarah?"

Y/n, "Good Bonnie can you tell me what is going on in New Orleans?"

Bonnie, "Well turns out Haley is pregnant but it is weird. The break up two days ago."

Y/n, "Bonnie did she slept with anyone else or anyone she was with?"

Bonnie, "Yeah it was a werewolf named Jackson and he is in New Orleans"

Y/n, "Ok thanks bon bon i will be in New Orleans in one week I have to finish some business"

Y/n was about to leave the house when she saw Steve and bucky standing with blood shot eyes

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