She got up and went and sat in car and left for her secret place

Ri : we also want to go can we

Reem : see ( cut off)

Ashi : ya you all go and sit in car brain will guide you all the way

They all except Ashi reem and jai left

Reem : why you sent them there

Ashi : because i know di's angry she is going to kill mr and mrs Sharma

Jai : why

Ashi : you will get to know now let's go

They reached there and saw avu was holding belt

Meanwhile when avu reached here

She went inside and saw mr and mrs Sharma tied on chair

Avu went near them and asked

Avu : are you going to tell me truth or not

Mr Sharma: we will not

Avu : ok then

Avu came back with a belt

That time every one else reached

They saw avu holding belt

Avu : so now are you going to tell me truth or not

Mrs Sharma: no

Avu : fine then get ready

Mr Sharma: for what

Avu didn't said anything just started beating mr and mrs Sharma very badly

Avu : tell me

Mr Sharma: no

Avu stop beating them

Avu : open them

Brain and every one there except sid abhi vashi muku sum ana dev ri Anu ran Jann fasiu eyes got widen

Brain ; m..a..m

Avu : open them ( shouted )

Reem : gone

Jai : rip

Ashi :  tata bye bye  they are gone

Two people open them

Avu was beating them with hands and very very badly they both were lifeless they were begging her to stop but she didn't at last mr Sharma told

Mr Sharma: i will tell

Avu : good for you

Meanwhile baddie bunch and drama club except Reem Ashi and jai were looking like they saw alien

Mr Sharma: we killed your parents and our son and ( cut off)

Avu : for your not so kind information your son is alive

Mrs Sharma: what i want to meet him ( crying sorry fake crying)

Avu : why you want to you tried to kill him

Mrs Sharma: woh

Avu : no excuse wait i will call him

She called jai

Jai came inside

Mr and Mrs Sharma were about to hug her when jai slapped both of them

Jai : what ha do you think after what you did to me i will forgive you both never in my life

Mr Sharma: beta we are sorry

Jai : keep your sorry in your pocket and ya my parents are not you both not at all mr and mrs Kapoor are my parents understood

Avu : jai you can go they are just wasting my and your time

Jai left

Avu : continue

Mr Sharma: we were having business of selling girls and boys to rich people as a se* slave and we tried to kill you and i raped few girls also and Aliya raped few boys and

Avu : enough give all this statement to court now ( she was not having guts to listen more )

Avu said and gave them last punch and left

They all went behind her

They reached home

They saw she was going in a room

They all went behind her and saw

How was the chapter

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Byee 🥰

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