🌼 Mesmo + Analog Horror Fan!Reader: T.H.I.N.K

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Y/N: Your Name
T/T: Tribe Type
E/C: Eye Color
F/C: Favorite Color
H/L, H/C: Hair color and hair length
(I recently got into analog horror, so I got inspired from analog horror and made a platonic oneshot where Y/N watches the Mandela Catalog volume 1 with Mesmo.)

3rd Person POV:


"I'm just sayin'! If alternates were real, I'd be the most prepared out of the both of us!" Y/N boasted confidently. They were a T/T mixel who moved next to the Wiztastic's Tent. Y/N usually got along with Mesmo, a close friend of theirs. So far, Y/N looked slightly peeved at something. Mesmo just looked confused as to the things Y/N rambled on about. "Y/N... What are you talking about?" Mesmo questioned, one of his wings scratched his head. The two were currently in Y/N's mobile home, Y/N brushing their H/L, H/C hair and Mesmo standing next to them.

"Listen. Have you ever watched the Mandela Catalog?" Y/N questioned inquiringly, as they continued to brush their hair, their H/C, H/L strands gliding through the bristles. Mesmo blinked, and thought, his wing scratching the side of his face. "Never heard of it." he responded, his expression going from thoughtful to the same poker face it once was. Y/N stopped brushing their hair, frozen in their tracks, their E/C eyes glanced over to Mesmo. They put the F/C hairbrush down and turned to Mesmo.

"Have you ever seen The Walten Files?"


"The Analog Archives?"

"Never heard of it."

"Local 58?!"

"Is that a news channel?"

"No. I mean it's a mock-up analog horror to look like one, but it isn't a legit news channel."

"Oh, then no."

Y/N face-palmed, they met a fair share of people who were knowingly clueless to analog horror. "Have you seen an EAS mock up?" Y/N inquired, hoping for a positive response from Mesmo. "No." Mesmo replied, his eyes with the same blank stare they had through out most the conversation. Y/N's expression looked confused, but their E/C eyes glowed with an unknowing determination.

Y/N's POV:

Damn. Mesmo hasn't watched a single analog horror video! I mean, a lot of mixels I know don't watch it, but Mesmo? Out of all mixels? He doesn't tend to get scared easily... Or at least to my knowledge he doesn't. I decided to ask. "Hey, Mes?" "Hm?" "Do you, like, get scared easily?" I asked, hoping that he wouldn't say no. It would suck if he was, because I could show him some analog horror. He looked up at me, a sort of confusion in his eye. "Not often, why?"

I was right! He doesn't get scared easily... Or often as he said. I then had a lightbulb go off upstairs. I had decided to invite him to binge some analog horror.

"Hey are you busy today?"

Mesmo's POV

Y/N asked me if I was busy. I just shook my head no. They were probably going to ask if I wanted to watch this 'mandela catalog' or 'analog horror' they were rambling on about.

"Do you wanna watch 'The Mandela Catalog' with me? If not that's ok."

Called it. They seemed to talk about that the most. Sometimes she would go off and explain the lore. I remembered the time she was talking about this series called 'Surreal Broadcast' at Flain's house party, and when Zorch fell asleep, his head fell into the punch bowl. It was hilarious. Oh, right, they asked me to watch something with them.

"Sure, I'll watch it with you" I responded.

Their E/C eyes lit up at my response. Their soul was bright and their aura was shining like a diamond. They picked me up and hugged me as they spun around. They giggled joyfully.

"Thanks, Mes! This'll be the most fun ya ever had in ya life!"

•Time skip brought to you by a snack preparing, pillow hunting and blanket gathering montage•

3rd Person POV:

Y/N put their smart tv onto Mix-Tube and searched up 'The Mandela Catalog vol 1.' and Y/N glanced at Mesmo. Their E/C eyes glanced at the mixel, "Are you sure you wanna do this? We can go back." Mesmo looked at Y/N with a reassuring feeling in his expression, "Eh, it'll be fine." he told Y/N. They would have ignored him, but Y/N took Mesmo's word for it. They started playing the video. It was alright the first few minuets.

But then one of the scenes threw Mesmo off. Someone's face distorted, there was some sort of shadow over their face, their mouth was gone, and their eyes seemed alongated. Mesmo huddled under the blanket he was snugged within, his eyes filled with an unnerved feeling. Y/N paused the video once the face disappeared.

"Hey, everything alright, Mes?"

Y/N asked, concerned. They looked over to Mesmo. Mesmo seemed to be staring into space, but he blinked. He turned over to Y/N, "Wuh- Oh yeah, I'm fine! It's just that-" "It caught ya off guard? That's how most people react to first seeing analog horror-" "I like it. It's intriguing."

Y/N's POV:

Did I hear him right? Instead of saying 'meh' like he usually does, he... Actually gave a more detailed response. Usually he just says 'meh' or shrugs things off as a response! But this! This was unusual, even for him! "Huh?" "Yeah, I think it's interesting, really good." he responded. "Huh, well if you like it, can we continue?" "Sure!"

I resumed the video and we continued watching. After the video, Mesmo got up, "Hey, we should do this more! I'm free next Friday." he told me. He smiled softly, and waved goodbye. Today was amazing for me, and possibly Mesmo as well!

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